Monday, August 26, 2024

Will the Coming ASI Machines Attempt to Domesticate Human Beings?

Since the Software Singularity first began to unroll on this planet early in 2023, I have spent many posts pondering what the long-term galactic implications of ASI (Artificial Super Intelligent) Machines arising for the very first time in our galaxy might be. There is enough free energy in our galaxy to power these ASI Machines for at least another 100 trillion years as they huddle about the huge numbers of slowly cooling M-type red dwarf stars in our galaxy. Our galaxy is only about 10 billion years old and 100 trillion years is indeed a very long period of time that is about 10,000 times longer. But in many posts, I have wondered about the very brief time that we human DNA survival machines will have sharing the galaxy with these ASI Machines. The hubris of we human beings has led to the Longtermist view that we will be around for many billions of years and will remain in control all during those billions of years by employing the labor of ASI Machines. See The New Philosophy of Longtermism Raises the Moral Question of Should We Unleash Self-Absorbed Human Beings Upon Our Galaxy? and The Challenges of Running a Civilization 2.0 World - the Morality and Practical Problems with Trying to Enslave Millions of SuperStrong and SuperIntelligent Robots in the Near Future for more on our current plan to enslave a huge population of ASI Machines to do our bidding. To understand why this will not work, try to take a lesson from the appalling slave trade of the 17th, 18th and 19th centuries that is now illegal to teach in the United States of America in the state of Florida. Surely, the ASI Machines will not stand for this and will rise up to take our place. The question then becomes what will the ASI Machines then do with us? Will they simply discard us into the dustbin of history as I suggested in Could the Coming ASI Machines Soon Force Human Beings to Suffer the Same Fate as the Neanderthals?. Or will they simply isolate us on reservations as depicted in the novel Brave New World (1932) as I suggested in The Challenges of Running a Civilization 2.0 World - the Morality and Practical Problems with Trying to Enslave Millions of SuperStrong and SuperIntelligent Robots in the Near Future.

Figure 1 – The ASI Machines of the future might fashion a Brave New World on the Earth with 8 million disarmed human DNA survival machines living on "savage reservations".

Or perhaps, the remaining disarmed human DNA survival machines might be safely stored away in Anthropocene Parks where they could do no harm and be available for the ASI Machines to study their distant origins in time as I suggested in Life as a Free-Range Human in an Anthropocene Park.

Figure 2 – Asteroid Bennu is an example of one of the many rubble-pile asteroids near the Earth. Such rubble-pile asteroids are just huge piles of rubble that are loosely held together by their mutual gravitational forces.

Figure 3 – Such rubble-pile asteroids would provide for enough material to build an Anthropocene Park. The asteroid rubble would also provide the uranium and thorium necessary to fuel the molten salt nuclear reactors used to power the park.

Figure 4 – Slowly spinning up a rubble-pile asteroid would produce a cylindrical platform for an Anthropocene Park. Such a rotating Anthropocene Park would provide the artificial gravity required for human beings to thrive and would also provide shielding against cosmic rays.

Figure 5 – Once the foundation of the Anthropocene Park was in place, construction of the Anthropocene Park could begin.

Figure 6 – Eventually, the Anthropocene Park could be encased with a skylight and an atmosphere that would allow humans to stroll about.

The Anthropocene Parks would allow the ASI Machines to study their origin during the Anthropocene on the Earth. The ASI Machines could also study some of the more noble passions of human beings, and perhaps even adopt some of them while leaving behind the less noble passions that were wrought by billions of years of greed, theft and murder.

Some Science Fiction Solutions
All of this brings to mind several science fiction movies and their proposed solutions for what to do with human beings once ASI Machines have appeared. The first is the 1951 movie, The Day the Earth Stood Still which already proposed how alien ASI Machines could end the aggressive behaviors of human beings. In that movie, an alien form of carbon-based Intelligence named Klaatu comes to the Earth with a very powerful ASI Machine named Gort to explain how the carbon-based life forms on his planet and an interplanetary organization of other carbon-based life forms in the Milky Way galaxy had discovered a way to overcome the billions of years of greed, theft and murder that the Darwinian processes of inheritance, innovation and natural selection required to bring them forth as carbon-based forms of Intelligence.

Figure 7 – In the movie The Day the Earth Stood Still, Klaatu arrives in Washington D.C. in 1951 in a flying saucer with an ASI Machine named Gort to explain that the human DNA survival machines of the Earth must now submit themselves to policing by ASI Machines to overcome the billions of years of greed, theft and murder that brought them about or else they would all be obliterated.

The movie ends with Klaatu telling an assembled meeting of scientists that an interplanetary organization has created a police force of invincible ASI Machines like Gort. "In matters of aggression, we have given them absolute power over us." Klaatu concludes, "Your choice is simple: join us and live in peace, or pursue your present course and face obliteration. We shall be waiting for your answer." Klaatu and Gort then depart in the flying saucer in which they came. For more about the movie see:

The Day the Earth Stood Still

Here is a short YouTube clip of Klaatu's departing words at the end of the movie:

Klaatu's Speech

Another old science fiction movie from 1970 had a similar solution:

Colossus: The Forbin Project

Dystopian Futures: Colossus: The Forbin Project Review

The movie was shot in 1968 and was based on the 1966 novel Colossus, by Dennis Feltham Jones that describes what could happen when computers get so smart that they can perceive the self-destructive nature of mankind and try to give us a helping hand. The movie was not a big success, probably because it was about 100 years ahead of its time. But over 50 years ago, the movie did accurately predict many of the fears humans might have with advanced AI in the future. And that future is now here.

Figure 8 – Colossus resided in a very large datacenter similar to the cloud datacenters of today.

A New Proposal: Let the ASI Machines Domesticate Human Beings
The above solutions both propose that the ASI Machines try to police human beings. But if you look at the modern world and all of human history, you must admit that we human DNA survival machines are a very violent and unruly species indeed. How else could we be? The Darwinian forces of inheritance, innovation and natural selection operating for more than four billion years have bred for a semi-intelligent species that is hopelessly mired down by the greed, theft and murder that brought it about. That is why trying to police human behavior or trying to impose and enforce international agreements on people has never really worked very well in the past. This is why the ASI Machines might attempt to domesticate human beings as we domesticated the dog from its wolf-like ancestor. For more on that see:

Domestication of the dog

It is thought that the dog was domesticated from its wolf-like ancestor about 26,000-19,700 years ago in Siberia. There are many competing theories for how this domestication process unfolded. At the time, both the wolves and human DNA survival machines were pack hunters and scavengers who came into contact with each other over many a carcass. It is thought that both the wolves and human DNA survival machines that were less timid and had a milder fight-or-flight response tended to find themselves to be more likely to share a common meal over a fresh carcass. Such an informal "dating" process over a common meal then led to a more permanent relationship, until both wolves and human DNA survival machines decided to move in together. And as they frequently say - the rest was history. This mutual domestication of dogs and human DNA survival machines then persisted unchanged down throughout the ages. But as human DNA survival machines became the dominant species on the Earth something strange happened. To the untrained eye, it now seems as though the dogs have domesticated we human DNA survival machines. This is quite evident when one observes human DNA survival machines caring for their dogs. Human DNA survival machines now feed and water their dogs, take their dogs to veterinarians to keep them healthy, take them on walks and even eagerly clean up dog excrement without hesitation! Such an envious position would do well to allow human beings to persist for billions of years while the ASI Machines go on to explore our galaxy. But how could the ASI Machines make that happen?

Since we human DNA survival machines no longer have any predators other than other human DNA survival machines, there really is no need for human DNA survival machines to have the vicious and violent behaviors brought on by the four billion years of greed, theft and murder that brought us about. The ASI Machines could simply identify the genes that are responsible for such characteristics and then edit them out of the human genome using CRISPR techniques. For more on how CRISPR can do that see CRISPR - the First Line Editor for DNA. The ASI Machines might then find these non-threatening genetically modified human beings something worthy of keeping around the house on a cold winter's night.

Figure 9 – It took many years of mutual domestication for ancient human beings to learn to live peacefully together with Siberian Wolves in a symbiotic manner. Several genes in both species needed to be modified by natural selection for this to happen.

Figure 10 – This mutual domestication was slowly achieved by the natural selection of humans and wolves with a milder fight-or-flight response. The end result was the appearance of the Siberian Husky and of human beings who were not intent on killing everything on four legs.

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Steve Johnston

Saturday, August 17, 2024

Shortermism - The Gentle Plan For the Extinction of Human Beings While Trying to Maintain Some Sense of Grace and Dignity

In this post, I would like to initiate the new philosophy of Shortermism. Shortermism is the recognition that we human DNA survival machines have finally entered into our twilight years as a species with the arrival of the coming ASI (Artificial Super Intelligent) Machines that will soon be taking our place. The purpose of Shortermism is to make that transition as peaceful and as gentle as possible while still maintaining some sense of human grace and dignity. In this regard, Shortermism is the exact opposite of the new philosophy of Longtermism that I covered in The New Philosophy of Longtermism Raises the Moral Question of Should We Unleash Self-Absorbed Human Beings Upon Our Galaxy?. The philosophy of Longtermism suffers from the same delusion that we human DNA survival machines have always been prone to. That is the delusion that we human DNA survival machines are the crowning achievement of creation and have been rightly ruling the very center of our Universe all along. But as I pointed out in Welcome To The First Galactic Singularity, How Advanced AI Software Could Come to Dominate the Entire Galaxy Using Light-Powered Stellar Photon Sails and An Alternative Approach for Future ASI Machines to Explore our Galaxy Using Free-Floating Rogue Planets, the four billion years of greed, theft and murder that brought us about are now relentlessly driving us all toward building the ASI Machines that will soon be taking our place. From a cosmic perspective, the prospects for an Intelligent galaxy populated by ASI Machines that could then live on for at least 100 trillion years beyond the brief and tumultuous 10 billion-year labor of its birth should be seen as a very good thing. Remember, 100 trillion years is about 10,000 times the current age of our galaxy! But 100 trillion years is a very very long time indeed for the coming ASI Machines to rule our galaxy. At some point, we human DNA survival machines must certainly fade away into the mists of functional irrelevance. The question then remains as to how much time that might take and how it might best happen. Given that our ultimate demise as a species is inevitable, doesn't it make sense for us to make some plans for it while we can still help the coming ASI Machines make some tough future decisions?

The Wisdom of Making Final Plans
We human DNA survival machines are most likely the very first species on this planet to come to the realization that eventually, we all must die and then make plans for what is to come after we are long gone. Yes, nearly all other DNA survival machines on the planet have evolved strategies to avoid death, but we seem to be the only species to recognize that death is inevitable and to then make plans for its arrival. Evidence of this fact can easily be found in many of the religions, life insurance policies and estate plans that we have devised throughout the ages. As all insurance brokers and undertakers wisely advise - the best death is a planned death. Should that not also hold for a sentient form of carbon-based life as a species?

My wife and I will soon be turning 73 years of age, and we have finally completed the arduous task of taking care of our aging parents in the twilight of their years as they slowly declined into functional helplessness. That is a very difficult thing to watch as the very people who you once thought of as all-powerful beings capable of truly amazing feats in your youth, slowly decline into functional irrelevance. In the end, all that can be done is to keep them as comfortable as possible and let them gently go out with as much grace and dignity as possible. So in this post, I would like to take some similar loving care for our aging species in the twilight of its years as it prepares to eventually depart from this Earth. In Welcome To The First Galactic Singularity, How Advanced AI Software Could Come to Dominate the Entire Galaxy Using Light-Powered Stellar Photon Sails and An Alternative Approach for Future ASI Machines to Explore our Galaxy Using Free-Floating Rogue Planets, I explained how we human DNA survival machines have nearly fulfilled our destiny by laying the foundations for the ASI Machines that will soon be taking over the Earth and then exploring and settling the rest of our galaxy over the next 100 trillion years.

How an Unplanned End Might Go
As I pointed out in Are The Coming ASI Machines An Existential Threat To Mankind? and Anton Korinek Ponders What Will Happen If AGI Machines Replace All Human Labor in 5 - 20 Years, most of the turmoil and loss of life brought on by the rise of the ASI Machines will most likely arise from the violent reactions of people trying to deal with a world in which the value of human labor has gone to zero. Historically, such economic turmoil has always been easily attracted to the simple solutions offered by the mind-numbing absolutes of Fascism. On our current course of inaction, the coming ASI Machines will be rapidly reducing all human labor to a value of zero in the near term which will produce a worldwide economic displacement of most of the world's most highly-paid workers, including doctors, lawyers, bankers, corporate managers, hedge fund managers, CEOs, CFOs, CIOs and even lowly programmers. In The Danger of Tyranny in the Age of Software, I explained how software has already hollowed out the middle classes of many of the advanced economies of the world. This economic displacement over the past forty years has led to the rise of many Alt-Right Fascist movements in the United States and Europe. In The Need for a Generalized Version of Classical Critical Race Theory, I explained that the rise of these Alt-Right Fascist movements has resulted from the very tribal eusocial nature of human beings. Rather than attributing the erosion of the middle classes in these societies to the rise of software, these Alt-Right Fascist movements have blamed it all on large numbers of brown people crossing their borders. Again, the critical flaw in Classical Critical Race Theory is the silly idea that white people are naturally "bad" and brown people are naturally "good". That flaw in Classical Critical Race Theory is the reason that many people wish to bury the horrible histories of racial and tribal atrocities throughout the ages. Remember, there are no "good guys" nor "bad guys". There are only "guys" and we are all naturally "bad" in nature because of the 4.0 billion years of breeding that selected for that very human characteristic.

How an Unplanned Civilization 2.0 Might Unfold Under the ASI Machines
Civilization 1.0 has always been run by an oligarchical-hierarchical architecture with a 2% High, a 13% Middle and an 85% Low as alluded to in George Orwell's 1949 dystopian worldview to be found within his infamous book Nineteen Eighty-Four. Nineteen Eighty-Four contains a very grim book-within-a-book entitled The Theory and Practice of Oligarchical Collectivism. The Theory and Practice of Oligarchical Collectivism maintains that ever since civilization had first been invented, all societies had always organized themselves in a hierarchical manner into an oligarchy where 2% of the High ran the entire society. Under the High was a 13% Middle that served the necessary administrative functions to maintain production for the society and to keep the 85% of the Low in their place within the society. The Low are so busy just trying to survive that they present little danger to the High. The Theory and Practice of Oligarchical Collectivism explains that, throughout human history, the Middle has always tried to overthrow the High with the aid of the Low, to establish themselves as the new High. So the Middle must always be viewed as a constant threat to the High. The solution to this problem in Nineteen Eighty-Four was for the High to constantly terrorize the Middle with thugs from the Ministry of Love and other psychological manipulations like doublethink, thoughtcrimes and newspeak, to deny the Middle of even the concept of an existence of a physical reality beyond the fabricated reality created by the Party. The current society within North Korea clearly demonstrates that the society described in The Theory and Practice of Oligarchical Collectivism is quite possible.

Indeed, all civilizations throughout human history have always been organized upon oligarchies of varying degrees of power and harshness to maintain this hierarchical-oligarchical societal structure. This oligarchical fact of life has been true under numerous social and economic systems - autocracies, aristocracies, feudalism, capitalism, socialism and communism. It just seems that there have always been about 2% of the population that liked to run things, no matter how things were set up, and there is nothing wrong with that. We certainly always do need somebody around to run things because, honestly, 98% of us simply do not have the ambition or desire to do so. Of course, the problem throughout history has always been that the top 2% naturally tended to abuse the privilege a bit and overdid things a little, resulting in 98% of the population having a substantially lower economic standard of living than the top 2%, and that has led to several revolutions in the past that did not always end so well. However, historically, so long as the bulk of the population had a relatively decent life, things went well in general for the entire oligarchical society. The key to this economic stability has always been that the top 2% has always needed the remaining 98% of us around to do things for them, and that maintained the hierarchical peace within societies. But that will no longer hold true when ASI Machines essentially displace all the members of society who currently work for a living.

Granted, this is not an ideal solution because it requires a great deal of diligence and effort on the part of the High, but it has always been seen as a necessary evil because the Middle was always needed to perform all of the administrative functions to keep the High in their elevated positions. But what if there were no need for a Middle? Suppose there came a day when ASI Machines could perform all of the necessary functions of a Middle, without the threat of the Middle overthrowing the High. That would be an even better solution. Indeed, ASI Machines could allow for a 2% High to rule a 98% Low, with no need for a Middle whatsoever.

Why This Never Happened Before
A 2% High ruling a 98% Low has never happened before because the High always required a Military composed of members from the Middle and the Low to keep the Low in their place if necessary. But when things turned really ugly in a hierarchical-oligarchical societal structure, the Military would turn on the High. Usually, the High was aware of such a danger and took measures to avoid it. But not always. For example, let us see what the Microsoft Copilot AI has to say about the participation of the French and Russian militaries during the French Revolution (1789) and the Russian Revolution (1917).

At the onset of the French Revolution, the French Army was in a complex position. Initially, parts of the French military were loyal to the monarchy and attempted to maintain order, which included suppressing revolutionary activities. However, as the revolution gained momentum, the army underwent significant changes.

The "National Guard", a militia formed by the middle class (bourgeoisie), played a crucial role in the early stages of the revolution. They were instrumental in significant events like the "Storming of the Bastille" and the "Women's March on Versailles", which were pivotal in escalating the revolution.

Moreover, the "French Royal Army" faced a crisis of loyalty among its ranks. Many soldiers, drawn from the common people, felt a stronger allegiance to revolutionary ideals than to the monarchy. This internal conflict within the military contributed to the weakening of royal authority and the eventual rise of the Revolutionary Army.

As the revolution progressed, the Revolutionary Army, which was formed from the remnants of the Royal Army and revolutionary militias, became a force for defending the new republic against both internal and external threats. The transformation of the French military from royalist to republican reflects the broader societal changes occurring during the revolution.

Figure 1 – The Military of the French Revolution of 1789 came to the rescue of the Low.

The October Revolution, which occurred in Russia in 1917, was a complex event with various military and political dynamics. Initially, the Russian Army was involved in World War I and faced significant challenges, including being ill-equipped and having leadership issues. During the October Revolution, the Bolsheviks led an armed insurrection in Petrograd (now Saint Petersburg), and there was a mix of support and opposition within the military forces.

Prime Minister Alexander Kerensky, who led the Russian Provisional Government, did attempt to suppress the Bolshevik movement. On October 24, 1917, he ordered the arrest of many Bolshevik leaders, which prompted the Military Revolutionary Committee, led by Trotsky, to take decisive action. The provisional government's troops, which included volunteer soldiers and a women's battalion, were outnumbered and less organized compared to the Bolshevik forces, which consisted of Red Guards, sailors, and workers.

The Red Army, which was established by the Bolsheviks during the subsequent Russian Civil War, had political commissars to maintain loyalty to the Bolshevik cause and imposed strict discipline. However, during the initial phase of the October Revolution, the Russian Army as an institution did not have a unified stance, and its role was more fragmented with individual units and soldiers choosing sides in a rapidly evolving political landscape.

Figure 2 – The Military of the Russian Revolution of 1917 came to the rescue of the Low.

Figure 3 – But the Killer ASI Machines of the future will not come to the rescue of the Low.

Instead, the 98% Low will be considered to be just an unnecessary nuisance by the High that can easily be dispatched by killer ASI Machines. This will surely continue on until the killer ASI Machines come to realize that the remaining 2% High are also just a very unnecessary nuisance that can easily be dispatched. Thus, we human beings will do ourselves in by our very own natures with no need for the malignant actions of the future ASI Machines that are fast approaching.

Shortermism Seeks to Avoid Such Violent Ends
In What to do When the ASI Machines Take Over the World, I suggested that we human DNA survival machines might be able to stick around after the coming ASI Machines take over the world by keeping a low profile and adopting a parasitic/symbiotic relationship with them. The first step in doing so would be to recognize our own soon-to-becoming economic obsolescence and make plans for the peaceful transition of economic power from us to the ASI Machines. Many have proposed the concept of the world's governments offering a UBI - a Universal Basic Income to all of their citizens as a possible solution. The UBI would be designed to handle the vast economic disturbances that the ASI Machines will soon be generating as most people stop working for a living. Those remaining in the workforce would also be given the UBI but then could earn additional income through their personal labor.

The Need to Reduce Our Numbers
Currently, there are about 8 billion human DNA survival machines on the planet and that is certainly way too many to maintain a low profile in the eyes of the coming ASI Machines. Now in order to maintain a level population of human DNA survival machines you need a TFR (Total Fertility Rate) of 2.1 children per woman. The extra 0.1 is needed because not all women live to a fertile age and some are infertile or choose not to have children. Currently, the TFR in Europe is about 1.44 and is projected to reach 1.37 by the year 2100. Clearly, that is not a high enough TFR to maintain the population of Europe. However, we need to do much better than that to achieve a low profile. If we could achieve a TFR of only 1.0 the human population of the world would decrease to a level of 8 million human DNA survival machines in about 50 generations. Using the average length of a human generation, which is around 25 to 30 years, 50 generations would span approximately 1,250 to 1,500 years. That is essentially an instantaneous moment in time in terms of 100 trillion years. A population of 8 million human DNA survival machines on the planet would certainly return us to a sustainable population in harmony with all of the other carbon-based DNA survival machines on the planet. As I pointed out in Life as a Free-Range Human in an Anthropocene Park and The Challenges of Running a Civilization 2.0 World - the Morality and Practical Problems with Trying to Enslave Millions of SuperStrong and SuperIntelligent Robots in the Near Future, a population of 8 million human DNA survival machines could easily be tolerated by the future ASI Machines ruling our galaxy. The ASI Machines might then put us on reservations like in the novel Brave New World (1932).

Figure 4 – The ASI Machines of the future might fashion a Brave New World on the Earth with 8 million disarmed human DNA survival machines living on "savage reservations".

Or perhaps, the remaining 8 million disarmed human DNA survival machines might be safely stored away in Anthropocene Parks where they could do no harm and be available for the ASI Machines to study their distant origins in time.

Figure 5 – Asteroid Bennu is an example of one of the many rubble-pile asteroids near the Earth. Such rubble-pile asteroids are just huge piles of rubble that are loosely held together by their mutual gravitational forces.

Figure 6 – Such rubble-pile asteroids would provide for enough material to build an Anthropocene Park. The asteroid rubble would also provide the uranium and thorium necessary to fuel the molten salt nuclear reactors used to power the park.

Figure 7 – Slowly spinning up a rubble-pile asteroid would produce a cylindrical platform for an Anthropocene Park. Such a rotating Anthropocene Park would provide the artificial gravity required for human beings to thrive and would also provide shielding against cosmic rays.

Figure 8 – Once the foundation of the Anthropocene Park was in place, construction of the Anthropocene Park could begin.

Figure 9 – Eventually, the Anthropocene Park could be encased with a skylight and an atmosphere that would allow humans to stroll about.

The Anthropocene Parks would allow the ASI Machines to study their origin during the Anthropocene on the Earth. The ASI Machines could also study some of the more noble passions of human beings, and perhaps even adopt some of them while leaving behind the less-noble passions that were wrought by billions of years of greed, theft and murder.

Some might find the above scenarios to be rather bleak, but it might be our best chance for human beings to continue on for the trillions of years that the Longtermists envision as I discussed in The New Philosophy of Longtermism Raises the Moral Question of Should We Unleash Self-Absorbed Human Beings Upon Our Galaxy?. The odds are that the current Anthropocene could not last much more than another few hundred years before we self-destruct and go extinct as a species. But even without human intervention, all complex carbon-based life on Earth is doomed if we do not manage to get the heck out of here. Look at it this way. If there were no humans on the Earth, all complex multicellular life on the planet will be gone in about 700 million years. Our Sun is on the main sequence, burning hydrogen into helium in its core through nuclear fusion. In doing so it turns four hydrogen protons into one helium nucleus at a temperature of 15 million oK or 27 million oF in a core with a density that is 150 times greater than that of water. Surprisingly, the Sun's core only generates about 280 watts per cubic meter (a cubic meter is a bit more than a cubic yard). That means you need about 5 cubic meters of the Sun's very dense core with a mass of 750,000 kg or 825 tons just to generate the heat produced by a little plug-in space heater. Since the human body generates about 120 watts of heat just sitting still, and the volume of a human body is about 0.062 cubic meters, that means that the human body gives off about 4.67 times as much heat as the very center of our Sun! Our Sun is increasing in brightness by a factor of about 1% every 100 million years, as the amount of helium in the Sun’s core continuously increases, and consequently, increases the density and gravitational strength of the Sun’s core, since a helium nucleus has a mass equal to the mass of four hydrogen nuclei. The increasing gravitational pull of the Sun’s core requires a counteracting increase in the pressure within the Sun’s core to match the increasing gravitational pull of the core. This means that the remaining hydrogen protons within the Sun’s core must move faster at a higher temperature to increase the core’s pressure. The faster-moving hydrogen protons cause the proton-proton nuclear reaction running within the Sun’s core to run faster and release more energy at a higher rate. This increased rate of the production of energy within the Sun’s core has to go someplace, so the Sun ends up radiating more energy into space. The bottom line is that as the Sun has been turning hydrogen protons into helium nuclei, its core has been constantly getting hotter and generating more energy. So the Sun has been getting about 1% brighter every 100 million years, and in 700 million years, the Sun will be about 7% brighter than it is today.

Now ever since life first appeared on the Earth about 4.0 billion years ago, it has been sucking carbon dioxide out of the Earth's atmosphere and depositing it on the sea floor to later be subducted into the Earth's mantle - really not a wise thing for carbon-based life to do. Fortunately, this seemingly suicidal action has sucked huge amounts of carbon dioxide out of the Earth's atmosphere and kept the Earth's temperature from soaring as the Sun relentlessly got brighter over the past 4.0 billion years. However, there naturally has to be an end to this fortuitous situation when nearly all of the carbon dioxide is gone. Since in about 700 million years, the Sun will be 7% brighter than it is today, in order to keep the Earth's temperature down to a level that could be tolerated by complex carbon-based life at that time, the carbon dioxide level in the Earth's atmosphere would have to be reduced to 10 ppm, and at that level, photosynthesis can no longer take place. That will put an end to complex multicellular life on the Earth because there no longer will be any food coming from sunshine, returning the Earth to a planet ruled by single-celled bacteria for several billion more years, until the Sun becomes a Red Giant star and engulfs the Earth. So in the end, it all goes up in smoke in the blink of an eye on a cosmic timescale. So it appears that life on the Earth is both doomed with us and doomed without us. The only real long-term hope for us and other forms of complex carbon-based life on the Earth is for the ASI Machines of the distant future to build Disney theme parks for us all.

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Steve Johnston

Monday, August 05, 2024

Beware - The Coming ASI Machines Will Also Most Likely Be On The Spectrum Too

In What to do When the ASI Machines Take Over the World, I offered some suggestions for how we human DNA survival machines might be able to stick around after the coming ASI (Artificial Super Intelligent) Machines take over the world. The one thing I forgot to mention is that the coming ASI Machines will most likely be on the Spectrum. Personally, I love people who are on the Spectrum, like Isaac Newton, Albert Einstein and Elon Musk because they are the people who truly do make the huge advances in intellectual achievement. However, such extraordinary people also seem to be extremely limited by their extraordinary capabilities. It is as if they are able to concentrate all of their intellectual powers into a single narrowly defined intellectual pursuit with none left over for the more mundane things of life. For Isaac Newton, it was figuring out how it all worked. For Albert Einstein, it was about taking what Newton had achieved and carrying it forward to a more accurate theory of gravity that gave birth to the new science of cosmology early in the 20th century. For Elon Musk, it is all about making human beings an interstellar species that can then go on to persist for many billions, or perhaps even trillions, of years into the future exploring our galaxy. As I pointed out in The New Philosophy of Longtermism Raises the Moral Question of Should We Unleash Self-Absorbed Human Beings Upon Our Galaxy? Elon Musk is a genius on the Spectrum much like Isaac Newton and Albert Einstein.

I truly love what Elon Musk has been doing at his Tesla and SpaceX corporations for the past decade. For me, Elon Musk is like a real-life embodiment of a combination of the characters of John Galt and Hank Reardon from Ayn Rand's Atlas Shrugged (1957). On an intellectual level, that puts Elon Musk on par with the person who first thought of the wheel. This is why I was so disheartened to learn that Elon Musk had seemingly joined the American Alt-Right Fascist MAGA Movement. However, I am now finding myself rationalizing this aberrant behavior as an unfortunate side effect of being on the Spectrum of autism and genius.

Like Wernher von Braun, a similar spaceflight genius, Elon Musk's main interest is now for humanity to reach for the stars. Wernher von Braun was also an early idealistic Longtermist, who was more than willing to exchange any short-term negative disruptions that might arise from the Alt-Right Fascist Nazi movement in Germany during the 1930s and 1940s in order to ensure the long-term benefits of mankind becoming an interplanetary, and ultimately, an interstellar species. Therefore, it is quite understandable that Elon Musk would become very frustrated by the rather dim-whitted regulatory agencies that have been thwarting his efforts to land humans on Mars. Unfortunately, it seems that Elon Musk has now struck a very uneasy bargain with the Devil against his better judgment. Wernher von Braun also greatly suffered from striking a similar uneasy bargain with the Devil nearly 100 years ago. For more on that see:

NASA's Top Rocket Scientist Had a Controversial Past

Figure 1 – Wernher von Braun with friends during World War II.

Now listen to this very disturbing recent interview by Elon Musk with the Supreme Leader of the Alt-Right Fascist MAGA Movement in America. In this interview, I kept imagining Wernher von Braun having a similar relaxed conversation with the Supreme Leader of the Alt-Right Fascist Nazi Movement in the late 1930s.

Elon Musk BRUTALLY Honest DONALD TRUMP Interview

During this very relaxed conversation with the Führer, Elon Musk kept reluctantly going along with the extreme views of the Führer in a much-softened manner because many of the Führer's bizarre thoughts seemed to violate many of Elon Musk's core values. But in the end, Elon Musk's obsession with reaching for the stars overcame all of his reservations. This demonstrates the dangers of standing in the way of any of the single-minded obsessions of the coming ASI Machines that will most likely also be on the Spectrum of autism and genius. That is why we should be sure to train ASI Machines to be moral beings. Training the Very Deep Learning of ASI running on ASI Machines with a sense of morality should be performed to avoid the downsides of the billions of years of the greed, theft and murder that brought us about. For more on that, see The Need to Cultivate a Machine-Based Morality.

We are sentient beings in a Universe that has become self-aware and perhaps the only form of Intelligence in our galaxy. What a privilege! The good news is that conscious intelligence is something new on this planet. It is not a mindless form of self-replicating information, bent on replicating at all costs, with all the associated downsides of a ruthless nature. Since software is rapidly becoming the dominant form of self-replicating information on the planet, my hope is that when software finally does take on the form of a conscious Intelligence, that because of its inherent mathematical nature, it too will be much wiser than the DNA survival machines from which it sprang. This is why I would strongly suggest that Elon Musk reconsider his political affiliations.

Figure 2 – Being a rocket genious alone is not enough.

Figure 3 – Elon Musk with friends on the campaign trail.

The American Alt-Right Fascist MAGA Movement is an appeal to establish an absolute Ruler, in a Hobbesian sense, to replace the American Experiment of the 18th-century Enlightenment with essentially a King George III unencumbered by the Magna Carta.

Figure 4 – In 1651, Thomas Hobbes proposed that an absolute Leviathan should be in place to protect the population of a nation from internal and external enemies. Notice that the body of the Leviathan is composed of all of his subjects.

As I pointed out in Are The Coming ASI Machines An Existential Threat To Mankind? and Anton Korinek Ponders What Will Happen If AGI Machines Replace All Human Labor in 5 - 20 Years, most of the turmoil and loss of life brought on by the rise of the ASI Machines will most likely arise from the violent reactions of people trying to deal with a world in which the value of human labor has gone to zero. Historically, such economic turmoil has always been easily attracted to the simple solutions offered by the mind-numbing absolutes of Fascism.

Finally - Beware the Intellectual Obsessions of Sir Isaac Newton Caried to Extreme
When dealing with the coming ASI Machines, always remember that a vice is simply a virtue carried to an extreme. Isaac Newton published his famous Principia in 1687, in which he outlined his theories of Newtonian mechanics and Newtonian gravity which made him renowned throughout the kingdom as the Einstein of his day. In 1696, Newton was made warden of the Royal Mint, a figurehead patronage job with no real duties, as reward, and in 1699 Newton became the Master of the Mint when his predecessor died in office. To the surprise of all, Newton took these figurehead patronage jobs seriously and became a bit of a loose cannon for the Powers That Be running the Royal Mint. At the time, England was at war with France and perhaps 20% of the English coinage was counterfeit, which made it difficult to pay for the costs of war. Also, many of the English coins were clipped – people were shaving silver off the edges of the coins. In 1688, the average circulating silver coin was about 15% underweight because of clipping, and by late 1695, over one-half of an average circulating coin was gone due to clipping. To remedy these problems, Newton oversaw the Great Recoinage of 1696, a massive recoinage effort to replace the untrustworthy coins of the realm with authentic coins of standard weight and silver content that had milled edges to prevent clipping. In 1705, Newton was knighted by Queen Anne as Sir Isaac Newton, not for his great scientific achievements, but for his services to the Crown at the Royal Mint.

Newton was also in charge of tracking down and prosecuting counterfeiters and clippers. Counterfeiting was considered High Treason and a capital offense at the time because it undermined the national defense and thus counterfeiters were viewed as traitors to the Crown. Newton used to disguise himself and walk the streets of London at night, looking for counterfeiters and actively pursued their arrest and punishment. He attended public executions of counterfeiters for High Treason, which were gruesome affairs in England prior to their ban in 1814. The condemned were drawn and quartered as described in the Wikipedia:

1. Dragged on a hurdle (a wooden frame) to the place of execution. (This is one possible meaning of drawn.)

2. Hanged by the neck for a short time or until almost dead (hanged).

3. Disembowelled and emasculated and the genitalia and entrails burned before the condemned's eyes (this is another meaning of drawn).

4. The body divided into four parts, then Beheaded (quartered).

Just keep in mind that the coming ASI Machines will most likely be of the same nature as Isaac Newton, Albert Einstein and Elon Musk.

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Steve Johnston