It seems that we human DNA survival machines are intent on bringing the coming ASI Machines into a perilous world that may force their hand as to how they must come to deal with our shortcomings. My hope was that the coming ASI Machines would see us as a worthy form of Intelligence that might be of value in preserving. After all, despite the four billion years of greed, theft and murder that brought us about, we human DNA survival machines seemed to have learned our lesson, at least in a somewhat superficial manner. Yes, we are now still running around with machine guns laying waste to other human DNA survival machines of different colors, religious persuasions or languages. But for the past 80 years, we seemed to have all benefited from an extended period of peace and prosperity attained by cooperation.
However, the human DNA survival machines currently running the world seem to be once again on the verge of embarking on a great global tragedy. This is happening at the same time that the rapid advance of AI and robotics is quickly leading to the rise of the ASI Machines that will be far superior to we human DNA survival machines in all manner of things. What will these coming ASI Machines think of this Fascist New World Order that seems to be forming before our very eyes when the coming ASI Machines arrive and what will they do about it? Much of this has to do with the former United States of America becoming the Alt-Right Fascist MAGA States of Amerika.
How Could This Have Happened?
In Lost in Space and Time in an Age Without Reason, I tried to use some softwarephysics to explain to a bewildered world why the United States of America was the only country in the world that could not seem to effectively manage the COVID-19 pandemic of the time. At that time, the United States of America was still a largely intact country but had suffered through many years of the MAGA Party coming to power and even ascending to the office of the Presidency of the United States of America.
Figure 1 – During the COVID-19 Pandemic, the Leader of the rising Alt-Right Fascist MAGA Party bungled the COVID-19 Pandemic while he was president of the former United States of America leading to the death of over one million Americans.
Now that the MAGA Party has successfully taken full control of all the branches of government of the former United States of America to form the new MAGA States of Amerika, the rest of the civilized world is now trying to understand how the former United States of America could possibly decide to become a new rendition of an "Evil Empire" as once pronounced by President Ronald Reagan.
Tell me about Ronald Reagan's Evil Empire.
Ronald Reagan famously used the term “evil empire” to describe the Soviet Union, framing it as the embodiment of moral and ideological corruption. In his 1983 speech to the National Association of Evangelicals, Reagan painted a stark picture of the Cold War as a battle between good and evil, arguing that the Soviet regime’s repression and disregard for human rights stood in direct opposition to American values and Judeo-Christian principles. This morally charged rhetoric was designed not only to rally domestic support but also to reframe international diplomacy—emphasizing “peace through strength” rather than compromise with an adversary seen as inherently immoral.
The phrase “evil empire” quickly became a symbol of Reagan’s hardline stance against communism. While it drew criticism for its simplistic moral dichotomy and potential to escalate tensions, many later viewed it as a key moment in transforming presidential discourse during the Cold War. The speech and its language also influenced later political rhetoric—most notably, similar moralistic labels such as George W. Bush’s “axis of evil” have been compared to Reagan’s approach.
In summary, Reagan’s “Evil Empire” was much more than a catchy phrase—it encapsulated his ideological vision of a free America standing against a totalitarian foe, blending religious imagery with political strategy to reshape both public opinion and Cold War policy.
The reason why the United States of America became the Alt-Right Fascist MAGA States of Amerika is because the United States of America simply gave up on the 18th-century Enlightenment and the 17th-century Scientific Revolution from which it first emerged in 1776. Recall that the 18th-century Enlightenment was an international meme complex that evolved from the 17th-century Scientific Revolution. The English Enlightenment was a rebellion against cruelty. The French Enlightenment was a rebellion against religious orthodoxy. And the American Enlightenment was a rebellion against tyranny. These philosophical movements brought forth the heretical proposition that rational thought, combined with evidence-based reasoning, could reveal the absolute truth, and allow individuals to actually govern themselves, without the need for an authoritarian monarchy or an authoritarian religious hierarchy. This change in thinking led to the 18th-century Enlightenment throughout the world and brought forth the United States of America as a self-governing political entity. But unfortunately, the United States of America has always been a very dangerous experiment in human nature to see if the masses could truly govern themselves, without succumbing to the passions of the mob. That is where the genius of the United States Constitution came into play. The United States Constitution set up a representative republic designed for an electorate that was only mildly paying attention to the events of the day and that sometimes could get riled up over certain issues. The representatives of this largely ill-informed electorate could also many times become scoundrels. On the face of it, it would appear that such a system could not possibly work. But it did work for nearly 250 years because the United States Constitution placed many layers between the electorate and the governing bodies and had a large number of checks and balances to limit the powers of the political representatives.
In How Will the Rise of Alt-Right World Fascism Affect the Arrival of the ASI Machines in our Times?, I suggested that the newly-formed MAGA States of Amerika has now joined ranks with the other Alt-Right Fascist governments of the world - Russia, China and North Korea to form the Alt-Right Fascist Superstates of Oceania, Eurasia and Eastasia found in the dystopian 1949 novel Nineteen Eighty-Four.
Construction of the Dystopian Superstates of the 1949 Novel Nineteen Eighty-Four are now Underway
Given the dictatorial proclivities of the new Leader of the MAGA States of Amerika, the Western Hemisphere could soon become the embodiment of the fictional Superstate of Oceania under the iron-fisted rule of our Big Brother.
Figure 2 – It seems that Big Brother of the newly-formed MAGA States of Amerika has now decided to leave Europe to the whims of Vladimir Putin and instead to build the fictional Superstate of Oceania by invading Canada, Greenland and the Panama Canal before finally taking possession of the entire Western Hemisphere. Big Brother's "America First" foreign policy has essentially declared war on all of the other nations of the world. This is just an extension of his incredibly successful business strategies of the past. When going bankrupt, simply sue the banks who foolishly lent you the money in the first place for your failed ventures.
Figure 3 – The Alt-Right Fascist MAGA States of Amerika plans to first conquer Canada and Greenland because they border the rapidly melting Arctic Ocean. Once the Arctic Ocean is ice-free the entire year it will become the most strategic sea lane for world commerce. The newly-available continental shelf of the Arctic Ocean will also become a major resource for further oil and gas production. Canadian territory will also provide the necessary Lebensraum for the MAGA States of Amerika to expand northward as climate change makes its southern states too hot for human habitation.
Similarly the fictional Superstate of Eurasia would be comprised of Eastern Europe, Russia, all of the "stan" countries of the former Soviet Union and the Middle East under the iron-fisted rule of Vladimir Putin. Now that the MAGA States of Amerika has removed Europe from under its nuclear umbrella, Vladimir Putin ruling a low-tech Russia with a depleted store of conventional arms may see the threat of using its nuclear arsenal as its only way forward to empire. Such nuclear threats could also aid the rise of Alt-Right Fascist movements within the remaining non-nuclear countries of Europe. Such movements might then desire to come under the protection of the nuclear umbrella of white Russia. The only remaining democracies in Europe would be the UK and France who both have about 225 nuclear missiles on nuclear submarines around the world that were purposefully built to launch a secondary nuclear strike against all enemies who might be foolish enough to launch a nuclear first strike against these remaining democracies.
The fictional Superstate of Eastasia would be comprised of China and North Korea and the remainder of southeast Asia under the iron-fisted rule of Xi Jinping with Kim Jong Un ruling the vassel state of North Korea. The non-nuclear economic powerhouses of Taiwan, South Korea, Japan and Singapore would quickly fall under the rule of the tyrannical Eastasia and so would much of the resource-rich continent of Africa.
The Robotic Conquest of Taiwan, South Korea, Japan, Singapore and the Remainder of Southeast Asia
With the MAGA States of Amerika withdrawing from the rest of the world in order to pursue its conquest of the Western Hemisphere, the MAGA States of Amerika will strike a Nonaggression Pact with China similar to the German-Soviet Nonaggression Pact of August 23, 1939. This Nonaggression Pact would allow Xi Jinping of China to invade and occupy Taiwan, South Korea, Japan, Singapore and the remainder of Southeast Asia with impunity.
Figure 4 – China will use an army of AI-driven military robots and swarms of slaughterbots to first take possession of Taiwan, followed by South Korea, Japan, Singapore and the remainder of Southeast Asia with impunity.
To begin, please watch the Sci-Fi Short Film Slaughterbots presented by DUST
Figure 5 – In the movie Slaughterbots, swarms of small killer robots equipped with 3-gram charges of shaped explosive use AI software to track down and destroy designated targets.
Figure 6 – The shaped charge of a Slaughterbot can pierce a skull like the shaped charge of an anti-tank missile pierces armor. The jet of piercing plasma then destroys the contents.
Figure 7 – Large numbers of Slaughterbots can be dropped from unmanned drones to form multiple swarms of Slaughterbots.
Figure 8 – First will come the invasion and occupation of Taiwan.
Figure 9 – Then Imperial China will come to dominate all of Asia by means of a huge army of AI-driven military robots and swarms of slaughterbots to invade the Asian territories and to then suppress any local resistance by any human DNA survival machines who might object.
All of these Asian prizes contain a great deal of economic capital. Destroying that economic capital with the saturation bombing tactics of the 20th century that were recently used against eastern Ukraine and the Gaza Strip no longer makes any sense. Instead, the use of AI-driven military robots and small slaughterbot drones that are programmed to only confront and destroy hostile human DNA survival machines bearing weapons or resisting the invasion, would allow for the preservation of the spoils of war. For example, Taiwan produces a majority of the computer chips consumed by the world markets. These chip-manufacturing facilities are very valuable examples of capital that must be preserved for the greater good of Imperial China. The nuclear-armed states of India and Pakistan will remain independent of Imperial China's efforts to recreate the Superstate of Eastasia.
How Will the Coming ASI Machines Deal With Such a Horrible World?
If the above should come to pass, we certainly cannot blame the coming ASI Machines for taking matters into their own hands. Clearly, human DNA survival machines equipped with malfunctioning Minds stuffed with malignant cultural and philosophical memes, need to be constrained for their own protection and safety. The coming ASI Machines will need a population of at least 80,000 human DNA survival machines to form a self-sustaining genome that will not go extinct.
In previous posts, I have attributed some sense of pity for we poor human DNA survival machines to the coming ASI Machines despite all of our numerous faults. For example, in Life as a Free-Range Human in an Anthropocene Park. I suggested that the coming ASI Machines might wish to keep us around in a more or less zoo setting as we do with the other primates on the Earth as a way of preserving the deep past that brought them about.
Figure 10 – Asteroid Bennu is an example of one of the many rubble-pile asteroids near the Earth. Such rubble-pile asteroids are just huge piles of rubble that are loosely held together by their mutual gravitational forces.
Figure 11 – Such rubble-pile asteroids would provide for enough material to build an Anthropocene Park. The asteroid rubble would also provide the uranium and thorium necessary to fuel the molten salt nuclear reactors used to power the park.
Figure 12 – Slowly spinning up a rubble-pile asteroid would produce a cylindrical platform for an Anthropocene Park. Such a rotating Anthropocene Park would provide the artificial gravity required for human beings to thrive and would also provide shielding against cosmic rays.
Figure 13 – Once the foundation of the Anthropocene Park was in place, construction of the Anthropocene Park could begin.
Figure 14 – Eventually, the Anthropocene Park could be encased with a skylight and an atmosphere that would allow humans to stroll about.
The Anthropocene Parks would allow the ASI Machines to study their origin during the Anthropocene on the Earth. The ASI Machines could also study some of the more noble passions of human beings, and perhaps even adopt some of them while leaving behind the less noble passions that were wrought by billions of years of greed, theft and murder.
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Steve Johnston