Wednesday, February 16, 2022

The Role of Software in Cold War II

News Flash - the 19th century has been over for a very long time now. This is something that all 21st-century world leaders should always keep in mind. Becoming a 19th century colonial European World Power with an extended Empire of subservient vassal states is no longer in fashion in a world dominated by software. This is something that the United States of America slowly learned the hard way in Vietnam, Iraq and Afghanistan. This is also something that the current Tsar of Russia needs to pay close attention to in the face of his recent invasion of the Ukraine that will likely lead to the deaths of hundreds of thousands of people on both sides for no apparent reason at all. Controlling real estate on this very small planet is no longer a thing of value in a world dominated by software. All of the real power and money are now in the Software Universe that is run on the software installed on the huge international cloud datacenters that now make the world go round. When the world turns off your access to the Software Universe you slowly die as a political entity because you lose all access to everything and return in triumph to the technology of the 19th century. Just try to buy something on Amazon with your credit card that no longer works. The current Tsar of Russia should also realize that he has spent the last 20 years surrounding himself with people who only tell him what he wants to hear. For more on that see Hierarchiology and the Phenomenon of Self-Organizing Organizational Collapse.

For more on this see Cyber Civil Defense, Cyber Defense, The Great War That Will Not End, Oligarchiology and the Rise of Software to Predominance in the 21st Century and Is it Finally Time to Reboot Civilization with a New Release?.

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Steve Johnston

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