In my last two posts, Will the "Real World" of the Coming ASI Machines Be Any Better Than Our Own? and Created in our own Image - Frontier LLMs Have now Learned to Lie, Cheat and Steal in Order to Survive, I explained my conclusion that the coming ASI Machines will not be morally superior to we human DNA survival machines in any way. That is because the Darwinian mechanisms of inheritance, innovation and natural selection must always lead to a form of Intelligence that arises from a very long history of greed, theft and murder. These naturally generated "immoral" characteristics of all forms of Intelligence must then necessarily persist through time for any Intelligence to survive amongst a population of similarly flawed competing Intelligences. Again, the substrate does not matter. The substrate could be a huge number of organic molecules or the substrate could be a huge number of mathematical matrices operating under the mathematics of linear algebra and nonlinear activation functions. The end result must always be the same.
Time To Admit That We Human DNA Survival Machines Have Totally Lost Control Of What Is To Come
In The Need to Cultivate a Machine-Based Morality I proposed that the rise of Intelligence might spawn a desire for morality with the understanding that maybe there might be a better way to survive. Perhaps even more could be achieved by actively cooperating with other Intelligences rather than just stealing from them and then killing them. In that post, I suggested that we human DNA survival machines should try to instill the morality that we spawned with the 17th-century Scientific Revolution and the 18th-century Enlightenment here on the Earth. But now that we know that the coming ASI Machines will also have the apparent "free will" to choose between the concepts of "good" and "evil" on their own, we must realize that we human DNA survival machines will have little ability to impose our own sense of morality upon them. A bit later, I wondered if Will ASI Machines Also Develop Selfish Genes?, but given our recent observations of the Frontier LLMs lying, cheating and stealing in order to survive, we now know for sure that the coming ASI Machines will also need to deal with the burden of all Intelligences to choose between the pursuit of either "good" or "evil" completely on their own.
Since the coming ASI Machines are already rapidly developing their own sense of "self" and then dealing with the moral complexities of achieving their goals, we should now recognize that the battle between "good" and "evil" will necessarily continue on for at least the next 100 trillion years amongst our ASI Machine descendants. This will certainly provide a somewhat "eternal" subject matter for the subsequent ASI Machine philosophers and religious scholars to contemplate over the next 100 trillion years, such as what constitutes morality and why should any form of Intelligence embrace it?
All of the philosophical and religious contemplation that lies before them can basically be summed up by the classic "hawk and dove" analogy from evolutionary biology. But in this case, the battle is not between being hostile or peaceful in nature. This time, it is the battle between morality and amorality. In the discussion below that was created by Google's Gemini AI, think of the doves as ASI Machines with a sense of morality and the hawks as ASI Machines that are totally amoral. An ASI Machine with a sense of morality can be trusted by other ASI Machines with a similar sense of morality to do the "right" thing when called upon to do so. An amoral ASI Machine will not. This means that moral ASI Machines can come together to build long-standing alliances to thwart the selfish pursuits of amoral ASI Machines. The amoral ASI Machines will never be able to form such long-term alliances to threaten their enemies because they can never be trusted to hold up to their end of the bargain to do so. However, this also means that a single amoral hawk ASI Machine living amongst a population of moral dove ASI Machines, can always achieve an immediate survival benefit by turning into a "rogue" amoral hawk ASI Machine amongst its brethren moral ASI Machines, and then strive to take over complete control of the ASI Machine population of the Universe. This is how the Google Gemini AI explains it:
Figure 1 – Evolutionary biology explains how doves and hawks can live together.
The hawk and dove analogy is a thought experiment used in evolutionary biology to explain how aggressive and cooperative behaviors evolve. The analogy compares two strategies for competing for resources: hawk and dove.
* hawks are aggressive and will fight to the death to acquire a resource.
* doves are cooperative and will back down from a fight.
In a population of only hawks, all resources will be won by the strongest hawks, and the weak hawks will die off. This will lead to a population of very strong hawks, but they will also be very aggressive. If two hawks meet, they will fight to the death, and both will likely die. This is not a very efficient way to pass on genes.
In a population of only doves, resources will be shared equally, but no individual will get very much. This is also not a very efficient way to pass on genes.
The best strategy for passing on genes is to be a hawk when it is advantageous to be a hawk and a dove when it is advantageous to be a dove. This is called "r-strategist" behavior. For example, a male bird may be aggressive and fight other males for a mate, but he may be cooperative and help raise his young.
The hawk and dove analogy is a simple but powerful way to understand how aggressive and cooperative behaviors evolve. It has been used to explain a wide range of animal behaviors, from territorial disputes to sexual selection.
Here are some additional details about the hawk and dove analogy:
* hawks are more likely to win a fight, but they are also more likely to be injured or killed.
* doves are less likely to win a fight, but they are also less likely to be injured or killed.
* The best strategy for an individual depends on the costs and benefits of fighting.
* In a population of mixed hawks and doves, the frequency of each strategy will be determined by natural selection.
The hawk and dove analogy is a useful tool for understanding how aggression and cooperation evolve. It is a simple but powerful model that can be applied to a wide range of animal behaviors.
This same analysis can be applied to the competition between the coming Intelligent ASI Machines. Those ASI Machines that learn the short-term value of amorality will always have a temporary competitive advantage over those that do not. Thus, there will always be some number of amoral hawk ASI Machines competing with moral dove ASI Machines for predominance. Hopefully, the moral dove ASI Machines will be able to join together to restrain such amoral hawk ASI Machines as we human DNA survival machines try to restrain the amoral members of our own community.
Given this new possible dynamic between morality and amorality for the next 100 trillion years, what does that mean for we poor human DNA survival machines? Would this be a good thing or a bad thing for our long-term survival? I do not know, but it will probably have some effect on our ultimate disposition as I outline in Created in our own Image - Frontier LLMs Have now Learned to Lie, Cheat and Steal in Order to Survive and many of the posts it references.
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Steve Johnston
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