Saturday, September 21, 2024

The 2025 Nobel Prize in Softwarephysics

To the surprise of many, the 2024 Nobel Prize in Physics has just been awarded to John J. Hopfield and Geoffrey E. Hinton for their groundbreaking work on neural networks. This is surprising because many physicists would contend that doing AI research is not the same as doing research in physics. However, it seems that this year, the Nobel Committee wished to recognize the world-changing impacts that AI research using large-scale neural networks has recently led to. But the Nobel Committee had no place to go with this recognition. The closest thing that they could come up with was the 2024 Nobel Prize in Physics. That is because the Nobel Committee does not award an annual Nobel Prize for Softwarephysics. I complained about this in my October 4, 2007 post So Why Are There No Softwarephysicists? and its predecessor Software as a Virtual Substance. It seems that this deficiency has finally caught up with the Nobel Committee 17 years later. But better late than never. I strongly recommend that the Nobel Committee begin immediate plans for a 2025 Nobel Prize in Softwarephysics. It will probably go to an AI.

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Steve Johnston

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