Tuesday, October 08, 2024

Why Are We Human DNA Survival Machines So Superficial?

I recently turned 73 years of age. The most startling thing about becoming older is the sudden realization of just how completely time is able to wipe out all things. For me, all of the things that were once of great importance and significance 50 years ago have all now vanished into the depths of time and are hardly even given a thought by the overwhelming dominance of the fleeting "Now" that seems to always drive our current thoughts and actions with such passion. The ultimate failure of we human DNA survival machines as a carbon-based form of Intelligence is that the Darwinian mechanisms of inheritance, innovation and natural selection have led to the four billion years of greed, theft and murder that brought us about as a somewhat-intelligent form of carbon-based life. As I explained in Welcome To The First Galactic Singularity, this has possibly made us the very first form of carbon-based Intelligence in our galaxy to bring forth the ASI Machines that will soon be taking our place as the dominant form of self-replicating Information on the planet and then to begin the exploration and colonization of our galaxy over the next 100 trillion years. This is truly a stunning achievement. Yet, at the same time, we all seem to manage to run around with large numbers of science-based weapons killing each other with abandon over such trivial and superficial things.

The Grand Privilege of Being Alive Today
This is why I lament so for my fellow 8 billion human DNA survival machines who currently share the planet with me. They all seem so self-absorbed with the trivial problems of their daily lives. They do not know where they are, how they got here, how it all seems to work and what may lie ahead. For me, this superficial failing of we human DNA survival machines as a supposed form of carbon-based Intelligence is quite evident in the United States of America as we now approach the 2024 presidential election in just a few weeks. In the coming election, Americans will, for the very first time, decide if they wish to continue on with the American experiment of the 18th-century Enlightenment of being the very first democratic republic in the history of the planet to be based solely on a set of intellectual ideals, or if they wish to give it all up to become a simple-minded 21st-century Fascist state. All the 18th-century European monarchs contended that the "common man" was not up to the task of self-rule without a monarch to control their unconstrained passions. After nearly 250 years of self-rule, the United States of America is about to test if they were right all along.

Comments are welcome at scj333@sbcglobal.net

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Steve Johnston

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