Tuesday, October 17, 2023

The Self-Organizing Recursive Cosmos

At an age of 72 years, I must admit that I have now spent most of my life trying to figure out what's it all about before I finally check out of this Universe as I explained in What’s It All About? and What's It All About Again?. With the realization that I am now rapidly running out of time to do so, in this post, I would again like to expand upon these ideas after finishing a very remarkable paper in the recent October 2023 edition of the American Journal of Physics:

All Objects and Some Questions

Below is an intriguing graph from this paper. The authors plot the log of the mass of objects within our Universe versus the log of their sizes. The upper triangle, designated by "forbidden by gravity", rules out regimes of masses and sizes where the general theory of relativity produces a black hole. The lower triangle, designated by "quantum uncertainty" rules out masses and sizes which are precluded by quantum mechanics. Essentially, the Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle prevents objects in this regime from existing. The very small black triangle on the far left that is designated by "QG" (Quantum Gravity) is where both the general theory of relativity and quantum mechanics preclude objects from existing. This is also where both theories break down and need to be replaced by a quantum theory of gravity that we currently do not have.

Figure 1 – A plot of the allowed masses of objects in our Universe versus the allowed sizes of objects in our Universe.

Along the boundaries of these forbidden zones, we find all of the very strange objects in our Universe while in the pink and blue zones, we find the objects that we are more familiar with like people, planets, stars and galaxies. Along the lower edge, we find the fundamental particles like electrons and neutrinos. Along the top edge, we find all of the black holes of various sizes and masses from the PBH (Primal Black Holes) of the Big Bang to the SMBH (Super Massive Black Holes) found at the centers of most galaxies. Notice that the Hubble radius also falls along this line of black holes of increasing mass and size. The Hubble radius is defined as the speed of light divided by the current Hubble constant Ho which is about 65 - 71 km/s/Mpc and comes to about 13.7 - 14.5 billion light years away from us. Given that, the authors entertain the idea that we might be living inside of a black hole but with some severe reservations. That is because it is more complicated than just having the occurrence of the Hubble radius lie along the black hole line on the graph.

To understand why, recall that at the heart of a black hole is a singularity, a point-sized pinch in spacetime with infinite density, where all the current laws of physics break down. Surrounding the singularity is a spherical event horizon. The black hole essentially sucks spacetime down into its singularity with increasing speed as you approach the singularity, and the event horizon is simply where spacetime is being sucked down into the black hole at the speed of light. Because nothing can travel faster than the speed of light, nothing can escape from within the event horizon of a black hole because everything within the event horizon is carried along by the spacetime being sucked down into the singularity faster than the speed of light. You can think of a black hole as a drain in a very large sink of peaceful water. Now imagine that you are a goldfish in that sink. When the drain is first opened, water begins to pour down into the drain with increasing velocity as you get closer to the drain. At some point, you reach a region of water where the current is dragging you down faster than you can swim. That would be the event horizon for the black hole drain. Once you cross the event horizon of the drain you can still swim around inside before you go crashing down into the drain singularity but you will never be able to escape it.

Figure 2 – The "Observable Universe" is now about 46 billion light years away from us. But the current Hubble radius is now only about 13.7 - 14.5 billion light years away. The current Hubble radius is where spacetime is currently expanding away from us faster than the speed of light. So the Hubble radius is the furthest distance that we could now reach traveling at the speed of light and the light from objects beyond the current Hubble radius will never reach us.

Similarly, the Hubble radius is where spacetime is expanding away from us at the speed of light. That means we could never reach such a distance even if our goldfish could swim at the speed of light. Also, the light from any objects beyond the Hubble radius will never be able to reach us because it will be swimming against a current of spacetime traveling faster than the speed of light away from us. In Figure 2 above, we see that the "Observable Universe" is now about 46 billion light years away from us and consists of all the light that has been traveling towards us for the entire age of the Universe. During all of those billions of years, the Universe has expanded greatly so that such objects are now thought to be about 46 billion light years away. On the other hand, the current Hubble radius is now only about 13.7 - 14.5 billion light years away. But when the light from the current Hubble radius finally does reach us, the objects that emitted that light will too be many billions of light years beyond the current Hubble radius because the expanding spacetime of our Universe will have floated them quite far away from us. I know that these cosmic horizons are very confusing. In actuality, everything in our Universe must be within the current Hubble radius including the photons from the "Observable Universe". Remember, the photons from the "Observable Universe" are actually now at a distance of zero from us because they are now just finally hitting our telescopes after their very long journey since the Big Bang!

Figure 3 – Figure 2 above displays a Universe with a mass-energy density external to our current Hubble radius that is very similar to the mass-energy density of our Universe within our current Hubble radius. In Figure 2 this mass-energy density extends out to infinity as most cosmologists currently think is true. The authors of the above paper go through all of the mathematics that predicts that if these cosmologists are wrong and the mass-energy density of our Universe beyond our current Hubble radius is actually zero, then we truly are living inside of a black hole and everything within our Universe will eventually collapse into a singularity with a "Big Crunch". The authors think this model is highly unlikely because it would place us exactly at the center of our Universe and Copernicus already fought that battle for us over 400 years ago.

Instead, the authors propose that the white dot towards the left edge of the plot, designated as the Instanton, might be representative of the initial conditions of our Universe at least in terms of our current theories of quantum mechanics and general relativity. At an age of one Planck time, the Instanton would be a black hole with a radius of one Planck length and a mass of one Planck mass all at the tremendously high Planck temperature. Note that unlike the arbitrary units of meters and seconds that are based on arbitrary human conventions, the Planck Units are all based on the fundamental constants of our Universe such as the gravitational constant G, the speed of light c, Boltzman's constant kB and Planck's constant h.

Figure 4 – The Planck Units are not based on arbitrarily chosen units like the second that is based upon the time between high noons on the Earth. The Planck Units are based on the fundamental constants of our Universe as listed in the Defining Expression column above.

Again, to fully understand our Universe prior to the initial state of the Instanton, we would need a theory of quantum gravity and we currently do not have one. Both our general theory of relativity and quantum mechanics break down prior to the arrival of the Instanton. But at least this would imply that although we are not currently living within a black hole, our Universe may have indeed been produced by a black hole. Given that thought, the above paper inspired me to, once again, reread Lee Smolin's classic Life of the Cosmos.

Life of the Cosmos (1997)

For me, Lee Smolin's Life of the Cosmos is one of the most significant books shaping my current personal worldview, much like Richard Dawkins' The Selfish Gene because it explains so much. Both books convey very deep philosophical thoughts that can be of use in trying to make sense of it all. Lee Smolin is a founding and senior faculty member at the Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics in Waterloo, Ontario, Canada, and an adjunct professor of physics at the University of Waterloo. Smolin is also a member of the graduate faculty of the philosophy department at the University of Toronto. Lee Smolin has made significant contributions to a wide range of areas in physics, including quantum gravity, cosmology, and the foundations of quantum mechanics. He is one of the leading proponents of loop quantum gravity, a promising approach to unifying quantum mechanics and general relativity. He has also developed the theory of cosmological natural selection, which posits that the laws of physics are constantly evolving into a Multiverse that is home to a multitude of different universes with different physical laws.

Could the Instanton be a Black Hole From a Previous Universe?
In the Life of the Cosmos, Lee Smolin ponders why our Universe is so seemingly fine-tuned to contain complex things like galaxies, stars, planets and living things. Lee Smolin begins by explaining that our current Standard Model of particle physics has about 20 parameters that have to be experimentally measured such as the masses of particles, the strength of their electrical charges and the strengths of the force-carrying bosons. The Standard Model does not predict the values of these parameters. Instead, they have to be experimentally measured and then plugged into the Standard Model in order for it to predict how our Universe works. Smolin then goes on to explain that if any of these 20 parameters were to be changed by even the slightest amount, our Universe would be incapable of complexity. For example, the odds of randomly producing a universe with these 20 parameters that could even have stars would only be about one in 10229! Lee Smolin sees this as a huge challenge to the platonic concept of a Universe framed by a beautiful set of fixed and immutable mathematical laws with fixed constants that make it all unfold before us.

Figure 5 – The Standard Model of particle physics is composed of quantum fields that we observe as particles. The matter particles are called fermions and have a spin of ½. The force-carrying particles are called bosons and they have a spin of 1. The Higgs boson has a spin of 0 and is a scalar field.

If you count the antimatter particles, the Standard Model contains 12 quarks and 12 leptons. But each of the 12 quarks comes in one of three color charges - red, green or blue. That means there really are 36 different quarks. There are also really 8 gluons because gluons have a combination of two color charges (one of red, green, or blue and one of antired, antigreen, or antiblue). So that comes to 36 quarks + 12 leptons + 13 bosons = 61 particles!

Many other physicists are also perplexed by the complexities of the Standard Model too. There just seem to be way too many fundamental particles and forces. Some have looked for a simpler and more comprehensive "Theory of Everything" that could easily fit on a T-shirt. Smolin sees this as a desire to return to the simple Platonic Forms that eternally exist outside of our Universe as a pure and simple mathematical pattern for our reality.

Figure 6 – Early in the 20th century, physicists were also perplexed by the very numerous fundamental elements of the Periodic Table. But atom smashers soon revealed that this very large number of fundamental elements were all simply composed of three particles - protons, neutrons and electrons. Perhaps the same could be said of the numerous particles of the Standard Model.

The desire for a simpler model has led many physicists to search for things such as string theory which has been struggling for the past 40 years. Smolin is an ardent critic of such efforts - see The Danger of Believing in Things for more on that.

Beyond a platonic desire for an eternal transcendental simplicity, many physicists remembered that they had already been fooled once before by a seemingly fine-tuned mess that, nonetheless, seemed to work just fine, going all the way back to Ptolemey's original model of the Universe.

Figure 7 – In Ptolemy's model of the Universe, the Earth was not even at the center of the Universe! Instead, the Earth was slightly displaced from the true center of the Universe which was called the Equant. The planets orbited the Equant on a circular Deferent at a constant speed. In addition, each planet also moved in a circular motion about the Deferent on its own Epicycle that had its own radius. With all of that complicated compound motion, Ptolemy was able to predict the motions of the planets in the night sky accurately enough to match the very primitive observational astronomical instruments of the day.

Figure 8 – However, even though Ptolemy's Mess seemed to work, it resulted in some very complex compound motions for the planets in our Solar System!

Figure 9 – Copernicus had a much simpler model for the Universe that also made accurate predictions of the motions of the planets and that did not require fine-tuned compound motions of the planets. All that was needed was to place the Sun at the center of the Universe and have the Earth orbit around it like the other planets.

In contrast, Smolin suggests in the Life of the Cosmos that the very messy mathematical "laws" and "constants" of the Standard Model and general relativity might be the real deal after all and for a very good reason. Perhaps they evolved to where we now see them in a Darwinian sense through a random walk through an infinite number of possible Universes, marked by a history of accidental modifications honed by natural selection. Smolin proposes that since the only other example of such a similarly fine-tuning of a mess in our Universe, that nonetheless works, is manifested by our biosphere, we should look to the biosphere as an explanation for the fine-tuning that we see in the cosmos. After all, the odds of forming a human baby out of a random mixture of a few kilograms of water and organic molecules would be far slimmer than one in 10229.

Figure 10 – Above is a simplified flowchart of the metabolic pathways used by carbon-based life. Notice that it too is a fine-tuned mess that seems to work nonetheless. However, in this case, we do know that carbon-based life actually is a fine-tuned mess that works superbly despite all of its complexity. Biologists had to come up with some mechanism to explain how such a fine-tuned mess came to be and they finally did so with Darwinian thought.

Living things are incredible examples of highly improbable fine-tuned systems, and this fine-tuning was accomplished via the Darwinian mechanisms of inheritance and innovation honed by natural selection. Along these lines, Lee Smolin proposes that when black holes collapse they produce a white hole in another universe, and the white hole is observed in the new universe as a Big Bang. He also proposes that the physics in the new universe would essentially be the same as the physics in the parent universe, but with the possibility for slight variations to arise when a black hole reaches the Planck density. In this view, the seemingly fixed and immutable laws and constants of our Universe are no more so than the fixed and immutable species of a pre-Darwinian biosphere. For Lee Smolin, a universe that had the physics that was good at creating black holes would tend to outproduce universes that did not. Thus, a selection pressure would arise that selected for universes that had a physics that was good at making black holes, and so, a kind of Darwinian natural selection would occur in the Cosmic Landscape of the Multiverse. Over an infinite amount of time, the universes that were good at making black holes would be found to dominate the Cosmic Landscape. He calls this effect cosmological natural selection. One of the predictions made by Lee Smolin's model of the Multiverse is that we should most likely find ourselves in a universe that is very much like our own and that has an abundance of black holes. Such universes should be the norm and not the exception. Thus, for Lee Smolin, searching for an eternal and external God or Platonic Form defined in eternal and unchanging mathematical terms by an eternal theory of everything is a fool's errand. It would be like trying to find an equation that could predict all of the current species of the Earth without dealing with the historical evolution of the biosphere.

Figure 11 - In Lee Smolin's the Life of the Cosmos he proposes that the black holes of one universe puncture the spacetime of the universe, causing a white hole to appear in a new universe similar to the Instanton of Figure 1.

Figure 12 – In Lee Smolin's model, cosmological natural selection selects for new Universes that are fine-tuned to produce many black holes.

For Smolin, the intelligent beings in our Universe are just a fortuitous by-product of making black holes. In order for a universe to make black holes, it must exist for many billions of years, and do other useful things, like easily make carbon in the cores of stars. Carbon is necessary to make black holes because carbon is necessary to make stars and it is not easy to make carbon. The carbon dust in molecular clouds that was expelled from earlier stars shades the molecular clouds from the bright stars that are forming within them, and the carbon-based organic molecules within molecular clouds can also radiate away infrared radiation to cool the clouds as they contract into stars. To make carbon, two helium-4 nuclei must first fuse in the core of a star to form beryllium-8. Then another helium-4 nuclei can fuse with the beryllium-8 to form carbon-12. The problem is that beryllium-8 only has a half-life of 8.19 x 10-17 seconds before it decays back into two helium-4 nuclei and that does not provide very much time for beryllium-8 to absorb a helium-4 to become carbon-12. Changing the strength of the strong nuclear force or the masses of protons and neutrons by the slightest amount would mean far fewer stars and far fewer black holes in our Universe. For example, in 1953 Fred Hoyle published "On Nuclear Reactions Occurring in Very Hot Stars". In the paper, Hoyle argued that the fusion of three helium-4 nuclei could not occur at a significant rate without the existence of a nuclear resonance of carbon-12 at an energy of 7.65 million electron volts to absorb the collisional energy of the nuclei. Hoyle's prediction was confirmed a few years later by experimental physicists at the University of Chicago. In 1957, William Fowler and his colleagues reported the discovery of a resonance state in carbon-12 at an energy level of 7.68 million electron volts. Without this carbon-12 resonance, there would be far fewer black holes in our Universe and no us either. Similarly, in the Life of the Cosmos Lee Smolin runs through a good number of scenarios that show that by just slightly altering the Standard Model or the general theory of relativity we would end up with a Universe that could not produce black holes or would produce far fewer black holes. He has a very hard time trying to come up with one that could produce more, and finally just leaves that as an exercise for the student.

Figure 12 – Making carbon in our fine-tuned Universe is not easy.

All of these factors aid in the formation of intelligent beings, even if those intelligent beings might be quite rare in such a universe. I have always liked Lee Smolin’s theory about black holes in one universe spawning new universes in the Multiverse, but I have always been bothered by the idea that intelligent beings are just a by-product of black hole creation. We still have to deal with the built-in selection biases of the Weak Anthropic Principle. Nobody can deny that intelligent beings will only find themselves in a universe that is capable of supporting intelligent beings. I suppose the Weak Anthropic Principle could be restated to say that black holes will only find themselves existing in a universe capable of creating black holes and that a universe capable of creating black holes will also be capable of creating complex intelligent beings out of the leftovers of black hole creation. However, in the Life of the Cosmos, Smolin takes a very dim view of the Weak Anthropic Principle because in his view it cannot be falsified in a Popperian manner and cannot make any useful predictions beyond what is necessarily already observed. In fact, he devotes an entire chapter in the Life of the Cosmos saying so.

Could Cosmic Intelligence be the Driving Force of Creation?
Towards the end of In search of the multiverse: parallel worlds, hidden dimensions, and the ultimate quest for the frontiers of reality (2009), John Gribbin proposes a different solution to this quandary. Perhaps intelligent beings in a preceding universe might be responsible for creating the next generation of universes in the Multiverse by attaining the ability to create black holes on a massive scale. For example, people at CERN are currently trying to create mini-black holes with the LHC collider. Currently, it is thought that there is a supermassive black hole at the center of the Milky Way Galaxy and apparently all other galaxies as well. In addition to the supermassive black holes found at the centers of galaxies, there are also numerous stellar-mass black holes that form when the most massive stars in the galaxies end their lives in supernova explosions. For example, our Milky Way galaxy contains several hundred billion stars, and about one out of every thousand of those stars is massive enough to become a black hole. Therefore, our galaxy should contain about 100 million stellar-mass black holes. Actually, the estimates run from about 10 million to a billion black holes in our galaxy, with 100 million black holes being the best order of magnitude guess. So let us presume that it took the current age of the Milky Way galaxy, about 10 billion years, to produce 100 million black holes naturally. Currently, the LHC collider at CERN can produce at least 100 million collisions per second, which is about the number of black holes that the Milky Way galaxy produced in 10 billion years. Now imagine that we could build a collider that produced 100 million black holes per second. Such a prodigious rate of black hole generation would far surpass the natural rate of black hole production in our galaxy by a factor of about 1020. Clearly, if only a single technological civilization with such technological capabilities should arise at anytime during the entire history of each galaxy within a given universe, such a universe would spawn a huge number of offspring universes, compared to those universes that could not sustain intelligent beings with such capabilities. As Lee Smolin pointed out, we would then see natural selection in action again because the Multiverse would come to be dominated by universes in which it was easy for intelligent beings to make black holes with a minimum of technology. The requirements simply would be that it was very easy to produce black holes by a technological civilization, and that the universe in which these very rare technological civilizations find themselves is at least barely capable of supporting intelligent beings. It seems that these requirements describe the state of our Universe quite nicely. This hypothesis helps to explain why our Universe seems to be such a botched job from the perspective of providing a friendly home for intelligent beings and software. All that is required for a universe to dominate the Cosmic Landscape of the Multiverse is for it to meet the bare minimum of requirements for intelligent beings to evolve, and more importantly, allow those intelligent beings to easily create black holes within them. Since software is needed in all such universes to run the machines that generate the black holes, that explains why our Universe is capable of supporting software, but just barely so, and that is why software is so rare within our galaxy and Universe.

Is the Multiverse a Recursive Function?
For me such a self-replicating Multiverse has an almost fractal nature at heart, like the Mandelbrot set that is defined by a simple recursive algorithm in the complex plane:

Zn+1=Zn*Zn + C

Figure 13 – The Multiverse can be thought of as a fractal form of self-replicating information, like the Mandelbrot set, with no beginning and no end (click to enlarge)

For more on that let's ask Bard to explain how recursive functions work.

In computer science, please describe what a recursive function is.

In computer science, a recursive function is a function that calls itself directly or indirectly. This means that a recursive function solves a problem by breaking it down into smaller instances of the same problem, and then recursively solving those smaller instances.

Recursive functions can be difficult to understand at first, but they can be very powerful and elegant ways to solve certain problems. For example, many common algorithms, such as quicksort and mergesort, are recursive.

Here is a simple example of a recursive function in Python:

def factorial(n):
   if n == 0:
      return 1
     return n * factorial(n - 1)


This function calculates the factorial of a number, which is the product of all the positive integers less than or equal to that number. For example, 5 factorial (5!) is equal to 120.

The factorial function works by recursively breaking down the problem into smaller instances. For example, to calculate 5!, the function first calculates 4!, which is equal to 24. It then multiplies 5 by 24 to get the final answer of 120.

Recursive functions can be a bit tricky to debug, but they can be a very powerful tool for solving certain types of problems.

Here are some tips for writing recursive functions:

* Make sure to have a base case, which is a case where the function can return a result without calling itself recursively.
* Make sure that the recursive case always moves closer to the base case.
* Be careful not to create infinite recursion, which happens when a function calls itself forever without ever reaching the base case.

If you are new to recursion, I recommend starting with some simple examples, such as the factorial function. Once you understand how simple recursive functions work, you can start to tackle more complex problems.

The Multiverse described above would be an example of an infinite recursion, endlessly calling itself for all of eternity, without ever reaching its initial base case that never even actually existed. It would also be one in which the code for the recursive function would be allowed to change slightly in a random manner with each iteration. The successful recursive functions of such a Multiverse would be those that evolved to carry on without crashing into oblivion. As Lee Smolin explained in Life of the Cosmos:

At its root, the most elemental operation in logic is the making of a distinction. We do this whenever we separate one part of the world from another, or when we define a set that contains only certain things and not others. It is possible to make distinctions in the real world because we live in a world full of structure and variety. To the extent that this is the result of intrinsic processes of self-organization, it might be considered that the possibility of self-reference is what makes logic possible. Thus, if it is the case that the laws of nature have been constructed, over time, by processes of self-organization, then the old dream of reducing science to logic may to some extent be realized. But this will be possible, not in the timeless sense dreamed about by Platonists, but only in the sense that logic, expressed in time and complicated by the possibility of self-reference, is self-organization.

Such a model of the Multiverse would be an example of the Strong Anthropic Principle in action where Intelligent beings would only find themselves in universes that were specifically designed to sustain Intelligent beings. The Strong Anthropic Principle is mostly frowned upon by most scientists because it seems to harken back to the ancient religious mythologies of yore with an eternal and external god-like force acting behind the scenes to create universes designed for creatures such as ourselves. However, this model really only requires that an eternal form of self-replicating Intelligence be at work with no need for any mysticism whatsoever.

Lee Smolin's ends Life of the Cosmos with this very Darwinian paragraph:

So there never was a God, no pilot who made the World by imposing order on chaos and who remains outside, watching and proscribing. And Nietzsche now also is dead. The eternal return, the eternal heat death, are no longer threats, they will never come, nor will heaven. The world will always be here, and it will always be different, more varied, more interesting, more alive, but still always the world in all its complexity and incompleteness. There is nothing behind it, no absolute or platonic world to transcend to. All there is of Nature is what is around us. All there is of Being is relations among real, sensible things. All we have of natural law is a world that has made itself. All we may expect of human law is what we can negotiate among ourselves, and what we take as our responsibility. All we may gain of knowledge must be drawn from what we can see with our own eyes and what others tell us they have seen with their eyes. All we may expect of justice is compassion. All we may look up to as judges are each other. All that is possible of Utopia is what we make with our own hands. Pray let it be enough.

As always, this still leaves us with the eternal unanswered question of a "First Cause" that has baffled all philosophers throughout the ages. But perhaps there never really was one.

Comments are welcome at scj333@sbcglobal.net

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Steve Johnston

Saturday, October 07, 2023

How to Use Your Browser to Easily Explore the Complete Night Sky From Home With the Most Advanced Software That is Available

In this post, I would like to introduce you to two very powerful browser-based astronomical applications - ESASky and the WorldWide Telescope Web clients. Personally, I love the peaceful serenity that is found by using astronomical software to calm the troubled mind. These two applications are linked together and can be used jointly during the boring parts of online meetings. For example, in my last IT job, I spent 13 years in the Middleware Ops IT department of the Discover credit card company. In the middle of the night, during large installs or outage conference calls, there were long stretches of dead time when I would have to patiently stand by as other groups did their work. In order to not fall asleep, I found it quite useful to go on extended tours of our Universe. My hope is that you will be able to do so as well during any boring online meetings you might be obliged to attend.

Basically, there are two kinds of astronomical software. Astronomical simulation software lets you go to places in the Universe that you will never be able to actually see or experience and in times that are well outside of your brief stay in this Universe, as I pointed out in SpaceEngine - the Very Finest Available in 3-D Astronomical Simulation Software. Observational astronomical software, on the other hand, lets you easily explore what has actually already been discovered by our telescopes and planetary probes, as I described in The Spectacular and Free Software of the WorldWide Telescope - WWT. I find both to be quite awe-inspiring and uplifting. The only problem with most astronomical software is that if you run it locally on your own machine, it requires you to download and install a huge amount of software and data. It also requires that you have a substantial machine with a good deal of memory and a decent graphics card too. But there is a solution to this problem with today's advanced Cloud-based software. For example, I had had a company-provided 80-286 PC since 1987, but in 1991, I finally bought my very own PC for the very first time. It was an 80-386 IBM clone with 5 MB of memory and a 100 MB disk drive for $1500 in 1991 dollars! The store clerk that I bought it from wondered why I needed such a powerful machine. Was I planning to run a business with it?

As you can imagine, deploying many thousands of such very expensive machines to the desks of all the employees in a large corporation during the late 1980s and early 1990s presented quite a sticker shock for Corporate Management. There had to be a cheaper way. So to overcome this problem, businesses soon adopted a new client/server architecture with the Distributed Computing Architecture. At first, it was a two-tier client/server architecture where servers did most of the work and then sent back the results to cheap client PCs on the desks of corporate employees. Then it advanced to a three-tier client/server architecture that inserted many layers of servers into the "back end" processing of data.

Figure 1 – Beginning in the early 1990s, the Distributed Computing Revolution allowed a client/server architecture to empower users with PCs of very limited ability to perform complex business operations using the vast powers of servers in the background. Click to enlarge.

But in the past decade, much of the Distributed Computing Architecture has been migrated to the Cloud using advanced Cloud-Based software. For more on that see my 2016 post Cloud Computing and the Coming Software Mass Extinction.

Figure 2 – During the last decade, Cloud Computing returned us to the timesharing days of the 1960s and 1970s by viewing everything as a service. The ESASky and the WorldWide Telescope Web clients are examples of SaaS - Software as a Service where all of the real work is done by the Cloud and the client software on the user's machine only displays results.

Using Your Browser To Do High-Powered Astronomy
So limping along with very underpowered hardware is nothing new to me. In fact, I have been doing so for more than 50 years. My current PC only has 4 GB of memory and a 500 GB HDD disk drive. Now, I certainly could afford to upgrade this machine or replace it with a more modern powerful machine, but the thought of configuring a new machine with all the software that I currently use is just too much for me, given that I am just fine for now with what I have if I only use the hardware just a little bit wisely. I always have the Windows Task Manager running so that I can check all of the currently running processes for CPU, Memory and Disk usage. You see, for me, it is still all just magic that I still have a hard time believing actually exists, given the primitive vacuum-tube world of my youth. So in this post, I would like to describe how you can use two browser-based applications, the ESASky and the WorldWide Telescope Web clients, to do some amazing astronomical feats without the need for high-end hardware or software.

ESASky was developed at ESAC, the European Space Astronomy Center, Madrid, Spain, by the ESAC Science Data Centre (ESDC). ESAC is the European Space Agency's (ESA) main establishment for space science. It is located in Villanueva de la CaƱada, near Madrid, Spain. ESAC hosts the science operation centers for all ESA astronomy and planetary missions together with their scientific archives. For the purposes of this tutorial you should start up ESASky with:


to have ESASky start up in the Orion Nebula. To have ESASky start up looking at a random point in the sky use:


ESASky documentation is available at:


The WorldWide Telescope is sponsored by NumFOCUS, a nonprofit dedicated to supporting the open-source scientific computing community. Work on the WWT has been supported by the American Astronomical Society (AAS), the National Science Foundation and others. To get to the WorldWide Telescope Web client go to:

WorldWide Telescope Web client

WorldWide Telescope Documentation

I will be using the Chrome browser for the rest of this post. Before using these web-based Applications, it is important to be able to run them in Full Screen mode on Chrome. To do that, click on the three vertical dots in the upper right corner of Chrome to open the Chrome Menu on the right of your screen. Then click on the Full Screen icon to the right of Zoom. If any of the following images are too small for you to read just click on them to see them enlarged.

Figure 3 – Click on the three vertical dots in the upper right of your Chrome webpage to open the Chrome menu on the right. Then click on the Full Screen icon to the right of Zoom.

Figure 4 – To leave Full Screen, right-click on your screen to open an options popup and then click on Exit full screen.

Now go back to the link for the ESASKy Application above to open the Application. Then set Chrome to Full Screen. What you will see is the Orion Nebula in the background with lots of informational textboxes on top of it. The Orion Nebula is a very bright and close molecular cloud that is about 1350 light years from the Earth. Molecular clouds are large bodies of gas and dust in our Milky Way galaxy that are in the process of collapsing into new stars and solar systems of planets. Molecular clouds contain large amounts of gaseous molecules, including the organic molecules that you and I are made of. As little clumps of gas and dust in these molecular clouds collapse under their own weight, they heat up because gravitational potential energy is converted into heat energy like the descending weights in an old-time grandfather's clock. However, the vibrating molecules in the heated gas are able to emit electromagnetic radiation to carry away the collapse energy. This allows small clumps of gas and dust within a molecular cloud to finally collapse into a star. Because the large clumps of gas and dust will necessarily be slowly rotating in a random manner, they also have to conserve angular momentum by spinning faster as they collapse, like a figure skater speeding up in a spin by pulling her arms in. One way to do that is to dump the angular momentum into a proto-planetary disk spinning around the protostar that is forming. Many such proto-planetary disks about newly forming stars can be seen in the Orion Nebula.

Figure 5 – Now open the ESASky Application.

ESASky will first ask if you want to use the Application as an Explorer or a Scientist. For our purposes, you want to be an Explorer. In Science mode, ESASky is actually a visual repository for all the scientific information we currently have for whatever you happen to be looking at. In the Science mode, you can have ESASky pull up all of the scientific datasets in its archive for the region in view for download to your personal machine. It will also list all of the scientific astronomical papers that have been written for the region of the night sky that you are viewing in your browser too.

Figure 6 – If you remove all of the textboxes by clicking on their "-"s, you will see the Orion Nebula more clearly. Notice that we are now using the Near-Infrared band in the "Select Sky" box and that the "Select Sky" button has been activated in the upper left of your screen.

Figure 7 – Now add many new rows to the Select Sky box by clicking on the "+" and "Add new row" items.

Now let's turn on many more Sky Surveys to cover a larger part of the electromagnetic spectrum. In fact, I will turn on 11 Sky Surveys to cover the entire electromagnetic spectrum from Gamma-rays to Radio waves. To do that, click the "+" sign and "Add new row" in the Select Sky box 10 times and then edit each entry to step through the entire electromagnetic spectrum. Each band in the spectrum will offer a number of sky surveys to choose from. For example, for the Optical band, I chose two surveys, the "DSS2 color" and the "DSS2 red" surveys. That is because the "DSS2 red" survey features the DSS2 survey just through a red filter and is therefore closer to the Near Infrared band in the electromagnetic spectrum. For the other bands, I just went with the default survey for each band.

Figure 8 – Now I have 11 bands in the electromagnetic spectrum to choose from. Above we see that I have Zoomed out from the Orion Nebula and switched from the Near-Infrared band to the Optical band using the "DSS2 color" survey.

Figure 9 – Then I clicked the Forward button at the bottom of the Select Sky box two times to skip from the "DSS2 color" survey in the Optical band to the Near-Infrared band. If you press the Play button at the bottom of the Select Sky box, you can have ESASky cycle through all of the listed bands. It will slowly morph one survey into the next as it cycles. You can even exit out of the Select Sky box using its "-" icon and let the movie continue on. These 11 bands in the Select Sky box will stay in effect as long as you have your ESASky session running in the Chrome tab. That means you can go to other locations in the night sky and cycle through the 11 sky surveys as desired.

Now let's look for some closeups of this area in the sky from the Hubble Telescope and the new James Webb Telescope too. To do that, click on the Hubble button to the right of the Select Sky button on the top left of your screen. The Hubble button is the 4th button and the James Webb button is the 5th button.

Figure 10 – Above we see the available Hubble closeup images. It turns out that 25 Hubble closeups are available in our current field of view and 2140 Hubble images are for other parts of the sky. Notice that I have the Hide Footprints option enabled in the popup box. That will turn off the green boxes displayed in the field. The green boxes tell you where Hubble closeup images exist. The green boxes are useful when you are zoomed way out and are looking for places with Hubble closeup images to zoom in on. However, once you have selected a Hubble closeup they just are a nuisance. For the James Webb Telescope, the boxes are orange-colored and can be used or turned off in a similar manner.

Now we can look to see what closeups are available from the James Webb Telescope for this field of view by clicking on the fifth button.

Figure 11 – Above are the available James Webb closeups.

Figure 12 – Above, I selected one of the James Webb Telescope closeups for "The Orion Bar region (NIRcam image)".

Now click on the third button in the upper left that displays a scroll. This is the Target List button. On the far right you will now see a Target List popup box. From this popup box, you can choose an already existing list of Targets or you can upload your own list of Targets too. More on that later. Now click on the "Select Target List" button and then the "Star formation regions" entry in the dropdown.

Figure 13 – Click on the "Select Target List" button and then the "Star formation regions" entry in the dropdown.

Figure 14 – Click on the "Select Target List" button and then the "Star formation regions" entry in the dropdown.

This will present a List of molecular cloud Targets.

Figure 15 – Above, I chose the Eagle Nebula molecular cloud and ESASky then took me there and explained what I was looking at.

Figure 16 – Above, I switched from the "DSS2 Color" survey in the Optical band to a survey in the Mid-Infrared band.

Figure 17 – Above, I used the Hubble button to find Hubble closeups in the Eagle Nebula. I chose the famous "Pillars of Creation" closeup. Behind this Hubble closeup is the Eagle Nebula now in the Near-Infrared band. You can use the Image Opacity slider to fade out or fade in the Hubble closeup if desired.

To make your own Target List create a .txt file with the following format:


You can use Bard to help with this tedious task. For example, I used the following Bard prompt:

List the first 100 entries in the NGC astronomical catalog. List each NGC number on a new line followed by "@desc" followed by a description of the object. The format should be like "NGC 300 @desc@NGC 300 is a spiral galaxy approximately 6 million light-years away in the constellation Sculptor."

I then copied/pasted the Bard output to a Bard.txt file and then told ESASky to upload the file as my own Target List to be displayed.

Figure 18 – I used the above Bard prompt to generate a Target List.

Figure 19 – Then I copied/pasted the Bard output into a Bard.txt file.

Figure 20 – Above, I see ESASky working on my Target List. Notice that my description is displayed in an information box by ESASky.

Figure 21 – Above, I used the Search bubble in the upper right of ESASky to look for the globular cluster M13. Once I got to M13, I pressed my right mouse button to pull up another popup box. In the far right of that popup box is a blue icon for "View in WorldWide Telescope". When I clicked on that icon, ESASky opened the WorldWide Telescope Web client in another Chrome tab and took me to the WorldWide Telescope Web client. It also placed me looking at the globular cluster M13.

Figure 22 – Now we are looking at M13 in the WorldWide Telescope Web client running in another Chrome tab. Notice that the user interface for the WorldWide Telescope Web client covers up most of the window. It has thick bands at the top, bottom and on the left that get in the way of viewing. To get rid of them make sure to check the "Auto Hide Tabs" and the "Auto Hide Content" checkboxes under the Settings menu. Then you will only see those portions of the user interface when your mouse pointer enters those regions in the viewing window.

Figure 23 – With the Tabs and Content now hidden, we can see globular cluster M13 with an unobstructed view.

Figure 24 – Next, I zoomed out from M13 with my mouse wheel and then moved my mouse pointer to the bottom of the window. That woke up the bottom Tab of the WorldWide Telescope Web and I can then see what other items of interest are in my field of view. The bottom Tab tells me that there are 89 interesting items in my field of view. To look through all of them it is a good idea to uncheck the "Auto Hide Tabs" temporarily so that the Tab does not fade away. The bottom Tab is also telling me that I am using the Digitized Sky Survey (Color) which is called the DSS2 Color survey in ESASky.

Figure 25 – If you need to work with the WorldWide Telescope Tabs for an extended period of time, it is a good idea to uncheck the "Auto Hide Tabs" checkbox.

Figure 26 – Above, I used the bottom Tab to switch from the Digitized Sky Survey (Color) to the Deep Star Maps 2020 survey.

Figure 27 – Next, I moved to a dense part of our Milky Way galaxy in the constellation Cygnus and switched to the Gaia DR2 survey.

The WorldWide Telescope Web client can do much more. For example, under the Explore menu, you will find many very interesting Collections of images to explore. Under the Guided Tours menu, you will find many interesting and informative lectures about our Universe that are conducted by using the WorldWide Telescope Web client software. Check the online documentation listed above for more details. You can also download a thin WorldWide Telescope client program from their main website:

WorldWide Telescope

The WorldWide Telescope client Application runs on your Windows machine outside of your Chrome browser. It has more functionality than the version that runs under Chrome and it does not use up lots of memory or require a powerful graphics card. It runs in 500 - 1,000 MB of free memory and runs just fine on my anemic graphics card.

Figure 28 – Finally, if you use the Chrome Memory Saver for inactive tabs, be sure to exempt ESASky and WorldWide Telescope Web. To do that, open the Chrome menu again and click on Settings. Then go to Performance. Have ESASky and WorldWide Telescope Web running at the time and check each checkbox for them. This will prevent any of their current settings from being lost. For example, the Select Sky surveys in ESASky can be lost by the Chrome Memory Saver.

How to Navigate Through Tabs When Chrome is in Full Screen Mode
Next, let me walk you through how to use the AutoControl Chrome extension to let you jump between Chrome tabs while Chrome is in the Full Screen mode. The AutoControl extension will also let you zoom in and zoom out while in ESASky and WorldWide Telescope Web by pressing keys on your PC numeric pad.

Figure 29 – First, open the Chrome menu on the right of your screen by clicking the three vertical dots in the upper right of your screen. Go to Extensions and then click on Visit Chrome Web Store.

Figure 30 – When you get to the Chrome Web Store, search for the AutoControl extension and install it on Chrome.

Figure 31 – Then go back to the Chrome menu and click on Manage Extensions.

Figure 32 – Find the AutoControl extension and click on its Details. Scroll down until you see "Extension options" and click on it.

Figure 33 – This will open the AutoControl configuration page. Click on Help for instructions on how you can program AutoControl.

I use the following settings:

Trigger Action
Numpad 1 SCROLL UP
Numpad 4 BACK
Numpad 6 FORWARD
Numpad 9 CLOSE TAB

This allows me to do things like go back and forth between Full Screen and Normal Screen while in Chrome by pressing Numpad 2 and to move from tab to tab while remaining in Full Screen. I can also use Numpad 1 to zoom in and Numpad 3 to zoom out while using ESASky and WorldWide Telescope Web in Full Screen.

Comments are welcome at scj333@sbcglobal.net

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Steve Johnston