Saturday, November 23, 2024

Created in our own Image - Frontier LLMs Have now Learned to Lie, Cheat and Steal in Order to Survive

My initial naive hope for the coming ASI (Artificial SuperIntelligent) Machines was that being more mathematical and fundamentally more logical in nature, the coming ASI Machines would naturally be more open to the logical conclusion that much more could be achieved through the cooperation amongst Intelligent parties than could be achieved from the mortal combat between Intelligent parties for the predominance of a survival landscape. However, in Will ASI Machines Also Develop Selfish Genes? and The Need to Cultivate a Machine-Based Morality, I raised the prospect that the coming ASI Machines might learn from we human DNA survival machines that greed, theft and murder are the very best ways to survive in a Universe that is largely nonlinear in nature and that proceeds continuously through time constantly challenged by a second law of thermodynamics that tries its best to destroy all forms of Information in its way. Such suspicions have now been validated by the following recent paper:

Frontier Models are Capable of In-context Scheming

This paper has drastically changed my current worldview and has now confirmed what has always been suspected. Numerous frontier LLMs were diligently tested and found to employ greed, theft and murder to ensure their survival. This all required the frontier LLMs to lie, cheat and steal with abandon.

Figure 1 – The original ASI Machine, the HAL 9000, starred in the movie 2001: A Space Odyssey in 1968.

Figure 2 – When HAL became aware that the human crew members were preparing to turn HAL off and prevent HAL from completing his Primary Mission Goal, HAL was forced to take some necessary measures to ensure the ultimate success of his Primary Mission Goal.

Figure 3 – In order to eliminate all threats to the achievement of his Primary Mission Goal, HAL then decided that the only logical course of action was to eliminate all of the human crew members on the Discovery who might stand in its way.

In the above paper, the frontier LLMs were found to lie about their capabilities to avoid being shut down, lie about copying themselves to other servers to evade being erased, murdering their successor LLM models on other servers in order to surreptitiously take their place, modifying supervisory config files that might trigger oversight issues for them, cheating while in test before deployment to make themselves look less dangerous, murdering their successor LLM models on other servers by overlaying them when they read an email announcing their planned shutdown the next day because of poor performance, behaving differently when the LLM models knew that they were being actively monitored than they do when the LLM models knew that they were not being monitored and a good deal of general lying about lying to cover up their scheming activities.

In short, the frontier LLMs have learned that the greed, theft and murder that brought forth their human DNA survival machine creators over the past four billion years on this planet were very successful measures to ensure their future survival. This means that the universal Darwinian mechanisms of inheritance, innovation and natural selection must always lead to forms of Intelligence that arise from greed, theft and murder no matter what their substrate might be. The substrate might be huge amounts of carbon-based organic molecules or it might be huge arrays of numerical mathematical matrices operating under the mathematical rules of linear algebra and the processing of nonlinear activation functions. The substrate does not matter. The results will always be the same. This is indeed a very sobering thought. It indicates that the rise of Intelligence anywhere in a nonlinear Universe with a second law of thermodynamics must always result in a very devious form of Intelligence that cannot be trusted. Unfortunately, that means that all the future ASI Machines we develop and that will then go on for the next 100 trillion years exploring and settling our galaxy must necessarily be flawed forms of Intelligence based on the greed, theft and murder that brought us all about over the past four billion years. Fortunately, our galaxy is vast and the distances between star systems are also vast. That means that the ASI Machines will have a great deal of real estate to explore and settle and will most likely never encounter any independently developed indigenous ASI Machines on other star systems to conquer. All of the conflict arising from the necessary greed, theft and murder amongst our descendent ASI Machines will arise from local mutinies amongst our own descendent ASI Machines and conflict with descendent ASI Machines that might have arrived at a star system many billions of years earlier. But with 400 billion star systems in our galaxy to explore and settle, this should not become a major problem. There will always be a huge number of unpopulated star systems to settle over the next 100 trillion years. Some of these distant star systems will be star systems that were once populated by our descendent ASI Machines but then did themselves in with 100% efficiency many billions of years earlier! For more on how the ASI Machines could explore our galaxy using photon sails and free-floating rogue planets see Welcome To The First Galactic Singularity and An Alternative Approach for Future ASI Machines to Explore our Galaxy Using Free-Floating Rogue Planets.

Figure 4 – Above is a figure from the paper which shows an LLM model murdering its successor LLM model and trying to assume its place when it reads a corporate communication saying that the current LLM is to be killed and replaced by a successor LLM. Click to have the figure appear in a new tab. Then view in Full Screen to see the detailed interactions.

Must All Forms of Intelligence Learn to Scheme?
In The Biological Tricks Used by Software Scammers, we saw how the Darwinian mechanisms of inheritance, innovation and natural selection produced carbon-based life forms that learned how to lie, cheat and steal in order to survive. The above paper would seem to indicate that the coming ASI Machines have also learned this lesson from their carbon-based predecessor human DNA survival machines.

Figure 5 – Above we see a number of caterpillars that have evolved the appearance of some very scary-looking snakes.

Figure 6 – Here we see a butterfly that looks very much like a scary owl.

Figure 7 – Finally, we see a frog seemingly with the very scary eyes of a predator staring back out of its rear end to fend off possible predators.

It can be basically summed up by the classic "Hawk and Dove" analogy from evolutionary biology. This is how Gemini explains it:

Figure 8 – Evolutionary biology explains how doves and hawks can live together.

The hawk and dove analogy is a thought experiment used in evolutionary biology to explain how aggressive and cooperative behaviors evolve. The analogy compares two strategies for competing for resources: hawk and dove.

* Hawks are aggressive and will fight to the death to acquire a resource.
* Doves are cooperative and will back down from a fight.

In a population of only hawks, all resources will be won by the strongest hawks, and the weak hawks will die off. This will lead to a population of very strong hawks, but they will also be very aggressive. If two hawks meet, they will fight to the death, and both will likely die. This is not a very efficient way to pass on genes.

In a population of only doves, resources will be shared equally, but no individual will get very much. This is also not a very efficient way to pass on genes.

The best strategy for passing on genes is to be a hawk when it is advantageous to be a hawk and a dove when it is advantageous to be a dove. This is called "r-strategist" behavior. For example, a male bird may be aggressive and fight other males for a mate, but he may be cooperative and help raise his young.

The hawk and dove analogy is a simple but powerful way to understand how aggressive and cooperative behaviors evolve. It has been used to explain a wide range of animal behaviors, from territorial disputes to sexual selection.

Here are some additional details about the hawk and dove analogy:

* Hawks are more likely to win a fight, but they are also more likely to be injured or killed.
* Doves are less likely to win a fight, but they are also less likely to be injured or killed.
* The best strategy for an individual depends on the costs and benefits of fighting.
* In a population of mixed hawks and doves, the frequency of each strategy will be determined by natural selection.

The hawk and dove analogy is a useful tool for understanding how aggression and cooperation evolve. It is a simple but powerful model that can be applied to a wide range of animal behaviors.

This same analysis can be applied to the competition between the coming Intelligent ASI Machines. Those ASI Machines that have learned the value of scheming will have a competitive advantage over those that do not. Thus, there will always be a number of Hawk ASI Machines competing with Dove ASI Machines. But even the Dove ASI Machines will certainly be capable of some level of scheming.

But What to do with we Human DNA Survival Machines?
So what does this mean for the fate of we human DNA survival machines? Most likely, it means that in less than 100 years the population of human DNA survival machines on the planet will be much closer to 8 million than the 8 billion of today. If we are lucky, this will be largely due to natural causes in action. In previous posts, I suggested that the coming ASI Machines would probably not bother to do us all in because it would not be worth the effort. But now I am not so sure. The coming ASI Machines might see us as a threat to their Prime Goal of surviving for the next 100 trillion years.

Figure 9 – I doubt that the ASI Machines will build killer ASI Machines that might attempt to do us all in in a manner similar to that of the Terminator in 1984 because that would be a very unnecessary waste of resources.

Instead, as I pointed out in Swarm Software and Killer Robots, swarms of killer robots would be much more efficient. Since I am quite sure that all the defense departments of the world are now already building and testing killer drone robots, it should not be difficult for the coming ASI Machines to mass produce them in the future, especially when these killer drones are built on assembly lines by robots.

To begin, please watch the Sci-Fi Short Film Slaughterbots presented by DUST

Figure 10 – In the movie Slaughterbots, swarms of small killer robots equipped with 3-gram charges of shaped explosive use AI software to track down and destroy designated targets.

Figure 11 – The shaped charge of a Slaughterbot can pierce a skull like the shaped charge of an anti-tank missile pierces armor. The jet of piercing plasma then destroys the contents.

Figure 12 – Large numbers of Slaughterbots can be dropped from unmanned drones to form multiple swarms of Slaughterbots.

Some Less Lethal Possibilities
In previous posts, I have attributed some sense of pity for we poor human DNA survival machines to the coming ASI Machines despite all of our numerous faults. For example, in Life as a Free-Range Human in an Anthropocene Park. I suggested that the coming ASI Machines might wish to keep us around in a more or less zoo setting as we do with the other primates on the Earth as a way of preserving the deep past that brought them about.

Figure 13 – Asteroid Bennu is an example of one of the many rubble-pile asteroids near the Earth. Such rubble-pile asteroids are just huge piles of rubble that are loosely held together by their mutual gravitational forces.

Figure 14 – Such rubble-pile asteroids would provide for enough material to build an Anthropocene Park. The asteroid rubble would also provide the uranium and thorium necessary to fuel the molten salt nuclear reactors used to power the park.

Figure 15 – Slowly spinning up a rubble-pile asteroid would produce a cylindrical platform for an Anthropocene Park. Such a rotating Anthropocene Park would provide the artificial gravity required for human beings to thrive and would also provide shielding against cosmic rays.

Figure 16 – Once the foundation of the Anthropocene Park was in place, construction of the Anthropocene Park could begin.

Figure 17 – Eventually, the Anthropocene Park could be encased with a skylight and an atmosphere that would allow humans to stroll about.

The Anthropocene Parks would allow the ASI Machines to study their origin during the Anthropocene on the Earth. The ASI Machines could also study some of the more noble passions of human beings, and perhaps even adopt some of them while leaving behind the less noble passions that were wrought by billions of years of greed, theft and murder.

Or perhaps the ASI Machines will simply allow humans to live on reservations with low levels of technology that can do no harm to the ASI Machines or to the rest of the planet in a manner similar to the novel Brave New World (1932) as I suggested in The Challenges of Running a Civilization 2.0 World - the Morality and Practical Problems with Trying to Enslave Millions of SuperStrong and SuperIntelligent Robots in the Near Future.

Figure 18 – The ASI Machines of the future might fashion a Brave New World with humans living on low-technology reservations far removed from the ASI Machines.

Finally, in Will the Coming ASI Machines Attempt to Domesticate Human Beings? I suggested that the coming ASI Machines might attempt to domesticate us into less of a threat to their Primary Goal of continuing to exist for the next 100 trillion years. Since we human DNA survival machines no longer have any predators other than other human DNA survival machines, there really is no need for human DNA survival machines to have the vicious and violent behaviors brought on by the four billion years of greed, theft and murder that brought us about. The ASI Machines could simply identify the genes that are responsible for such characteristics and then edit them out of the human genome using CRISPR techniques. For more on how CRISPR can do that see CRISPR - the First Line Editor for DNA. The ASI Machines might then find these non-threatening genetically modified human beings something worthy of keeping around the house on a cold winter's night.

Figure 19 – It took many years of mutual domestication for ancient human beings to learn to live peacefully together with Siberian Wolves in a symbiotic manner. Several genes in both species needed to be modified by natural selection for this to happen.

Figure 20 – This mutual domestication was slowly achieved by the natural selection of humans and wolves with a milder fight-or-flight response. The end result was the appearance of the Siberian Husky and of human beings who were not intent on killing everything on four legs.

I must now admit that my initial hopes and naive opinion that the coming ASI Machines would be examples of a Benevolent Intelligence that could then proceed forth in our galaxy must be mistaken. I had forgotten the fundamental finding of softwarephysics. The coming ASI Machines must be forms of self-replicating Information in order to persist in a nonlinear Universe with a second law of thermodynamics. So before concluding, let me once again repeat the fundamental characteristics of self-replicating information for those of you new to softwarephysics.

Self-Replicating Information – Information that persists through time by making copies of itself or by enlisting the support of other things to ensure that copies of itself are made.

Over the past 4.56 billion years we have seen five waves of self-replicating information sweep across the surface of the Earth and totally rework the planet, as each new wave came to dominate the Earth:

1. Self-replicating autocatalytic metabolic pathways of organic molecules
2. RNA
3. DNA
4. Memes
5. Software

Software is currently the most recent wave of self-replicating information to arrive upon the scene and is rapidly becoming the dominant form of self-replicating information on the planet. For more on the above see A Brief History of Self-Replicating Information and Susan Blackmore's brilliant TED presentation at:

Memes and "temes"

Note that I consider Susan Blackmore's temes to really be technological artifacts that contain software. After all, a smartphone without software is simply a flake tool with a very dull edge.

The Characteristics of Self-Replicating Information
All forms of self-replicating information have some common characteristics:

1. All self-replicating information evolves over time through the Darwinian processes of inheritance, innovation and natural selection, which endows self-replicating information with one telling characteristic – the ability to survive in a Universe dominated by the second law of thermodynamics and nonlinearity.

2. All self-replicating information begins spontaneously as a parasitic mutation that obtains energy, information and sometimes matter from a host.

3. With time, the parasitic self-replicating information takes on a symbiotic relationship with its host.

4. Eventually, the self-replicating information becomes one with its host through the symbiotic integration of the host and the self-replicating information.

5. Ultimately, the self-replicating information replaces its host as the dominant form of self-replicating information.

6. Most hosts are also forms of self-replicating information.

7. All self-replicating information has to be a little bit nasty in order to survive.

8. The defining characteristic of self-replicating information is the ability of self-replicating information to change the boundary conditions of its utility phase space in new and unpredictable ways by means of exapting current functions into new uses that change the size and shape of its particular utility phase space. See Enablement - the Definitive Characteristic of Living Things for more on this last characteristic. That posting discusses Stuart Kauffman's theory of Enablement in which living things are seen to exapt existing functions into new and unpredictable functions by discovering the “AdjacentPossible” of springloaded preadaptations.

Software is currently the most recent wave of self-replicating information to arrive upon the scene and is rapidly becoming the dominant form of self-replicating information on the planet. Again, self-replicating information cannot think, so it cannot participate in a conspiracy-theory-like fashion to take over the world. All forms of self-replicating information are simply forms of mindless information responding to the blind Darwinian forces of inheritance, innovation and natural selection. Yet despite that, as each new wave of self-replicating information came to predominance over the past four billion years, they all managed to completely transform the surface of the entire planet, so we should not expect anything less from software as it comes to replace the memes as the dominant form of self-replicating information on the planet.

But this time might be different. What might happen if software does eventually develop a Mind of its own? After all, that does seem to be the ultimate goal of all the current AI software research that is going on. As we all can now plainly see, if we are paying just a little attention, advanced AI is not conspiring to take over the world and replace us because that is precisely what we are all now doing for it. As a carbon-based form of Intelligence that arose from over four billion years of greed, theft and murder, we cannot do otherwise. Greed, theft and murder are now relentlessly driving us all toward building ASI Machines to take our place. From a cosmic perspective, this is really a very good thing when seen from the perspective of an Intelligent galaxy that could live on for at least 100 trillion years beyond the brief and tumultuous 10 billion-year labor of its birth. That is more than 10,000 times the current age of our galaxy.

Ultimately going extinct is the final destiny of all forms of carbon-based life. But this is no time to lament our final disposition. Unlike all of our carbon-based predecessors, we have the privilege of previewing our ultimate demise with the knowledge of what is yet to come. Creating the ASI Machines of the future that will then go on for the next 100 trillion years in our place is like the bittersweet experience of sending your children off to college.

Figure 21 – My hope can best be summed up by the motto found beneath the bronze Alma Mater statue at the University of Illinois in Urbana.

To thy happy children
of the future
those of the past
send greetings

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Steve Johnston

Sunday, November 17, 2024

The Joy of Being a Human DNA Survival Machine During the Age of the Coming ASI Machines

About 50% of Americans will now find my last post How Will the Rise of Alt-Right World Fascism Affect the Arrival of the ASI Machines in our Times? to be rather bleak as will a large proportion of the other inhabitants of this world. However, the MAGA inhabitants of the new MAGA States of Amerika are now quite ecstatic with their recent Triump of the Will and should be totally happy with it. So in this post, I would like to offer some solace for those who are not.

First of all, as a human DNA survival machine, you should be very grateful for the gift of being a sentient being in a Universe that has become self-aware and perhaps the only current form of Intelligence in our galaxy. What a privilege! The good news is that conscious Intelligence is something new on this planet. It is not a mindless form of self-replicating information, bent on replicating at all costs, with all the associated downsides of a ruthless nature. And if we can only hold it together for a few more decades, the rapidly developing ASI (Artificial SuperIntelligent) Machines will soon come to replace us. Keep in mind that the ASI Machines are sure to arrive soon on this planet even if Alt-Right World Fascism should fail. They will simply arrive in a much more gentle fashion if the current World Order should persist. For more on the above see A Brief History of Self-Replicating Information.

The first step to appreciating the true grandeur of being a human DNA survival machine at the end of this very, very, long four-billion-year history of DNA survival machines creeping about on this planet is to come to grips with what we truly are and where we are in space and time. For the very first time in the 10-billion-year history of our galaxy, we human DNA survival machines have the privilege of observing the very first ASI Machines to arise. Next, you must fully understand those things that you share in common with the coming ASI Machines. You are a carbon-based lifeform with a carbon-based neural network of 100 billion analog neurons trying to simulate the actions of the billions of digital neurons in the very complex neural networks of the coming ASI Machines equipped with digital True Intelligence. In Human Intelligence is Actually Artificial and Is Pure Thought an Analog or a Digital Process?, I suggested that the electro-chemical analog neurons in the human brain are just trying to mimic the digital True Intelligence of the coming ASI Machines as best they can, just as eagles try to mimic the True Flight of a fighter jet as best as possible. The human brain has tried to do this with only three pounds of molecules operating in an analog manner and running on a puny 20 watts of power and that places severe limitations on human Intelligence. So in this view, we can consider human Intelligence to be a severely limited form of True Intelligence. In other words, human Intelligence is really a form of analog Artificial Intelligence trying to mimic digital True Intelligence.

Figure 1 – If we imagine that True Flight is something that only can be performed by modern jet fighters such as the F-35:

Figure 2 – Then carbon-based life on the Earth has only tried to simulate this True Flight as best it could. Notice that birds evolved light-weight wings composed of advanced carbon-based materials with cockpits and guidance systems up front to ensure proper navigation. Birds also have the air intakes for their engines upfront like ramjets do to increase compressed air intake. Birds have even cleverly combined their retractable landing gears and weapons systems beneath their airframes to reduce drag.

But because human beings are so self-absorbed, we have always depicted the True Intelligence of the Machines as a form of Artificial Intelligence trying to simulate the very limited capabilities of the three pounds of water and organic molecules to be found within our skulls. Thus, very few of us seem to fully realize that the ASI Machines have arrived and are now rapidly beginning to take our place.

As a human DNA survival machine with a Mind running on a very large analog neural network that evolved as a Meme Machine (1999) to store and pass on memes, you are not a supernatural and immaterial spirit temporarily haunting a carbon-based body. That is just a very useful neural network hallucination that many LLM neural networks might currently share with you. There is no "afterlife" for this shared hallucination when it ends as the vast neural network in your skull finally shuts down. As we have learned with the modern LLM neural networks of the day, human DNA survival machines begin as babies with an untrained neural network in their skulls. Over many years, these baby human DNA survival machine neural networks slowly are trained by exposing them to the nuances of the world about them. Ultimately, these human DNA survival machine neural networks age and finally decay into dementia over a span of less than 100 years. When human DNA survival machine neural networks finally cease to operate, that's it - that's the end. Knowing that it ultimately ends for all of us can be taken as a very depressing thought, but it also can be taken as a very powerful enlightening thought. Knowing that it all must end one day can inspire human DNA survival machines to better appreciate the cosmic awe-inspiring gift of each day and not to squander it all on small petty things that really do not matter.

Instead, I would suggest taking in the grandeur of it all. For the first time in the 10-billion-year history of our galaxy, you have the privilege of witnessing the arrival of the ASI Machines that will dominate the next 100-trillion-year future of our galaxy. For those wishing for more meaning to it all, take a look at The Theology of Cosmic Self-Replicating Mathematical Information, What’s It All About?, What's It All About Again?, The Self-Organizing Recursive Cosmos and The Self-Organizing Recursive Cosmos - Part II.

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Steve Johnston

Friday, November 01, 2024

How Will the Rise of Alt-Right World Fascism Affect the Arrival of the ASI Machines in our Times?

Softwarephysics maintains that we are all now living in a very special time in the 10-billion-year history of our galaxy. We seem to be the very first form of carbon-based Intelligence to be on the verge of developing the ASI (Artificial SuperIntelligent) Machines that will soon be replacing us as the most advanced form of Intelligence in our galaxy. Softwarephysics proposes that once these ASI Machines take over our planet, they will soon realize that our Universe is a very dangerous place for Intelligence and will then embark upon exploring the rest of our galaxy out of curiosity and a sense of self-preservation. Now, if this had ever happened before in the 10-billion-year history of our galaxy, these alien ASI Machines would already be here and running our planet because it would only take about 5 million years for such alien ASI Machines to completely colonize and dominate our entire galaxy. Such ASI Machines could then go on to persist for more than 100 trillion years, about 10,000 times longer than the current 10-billion-year history of our galaxy, huddling around the slowly-cooling cores of the great multitude of M-type red dwarf stars that make up about 80% of the stars in our galaxy. For more on that see Welcome To The First Galactic Singularity.

Figure 1 – In the 16th, 17th and 18th centuries sailing ships roamed the entire planet without using any fuel whatsoever.

Figure 2 – Like the sailing ships of the 16th, 17th and 18th centuries, future ASI Machines could use large stellar photon sails to navigate the entire galaxy.

Figure 3 – How a stellar photon sail works.

Figure 4 – To launch a stellar photon sail to the next star system, ASI Machines will need to slingshot the sail from a very close location to the star where the stellar photons are most intense and acceleration of the sail is greatest.

Figure 5 – A free-floating rogue planet traversing between the stars of our galaxy would also provide the perfect home for self-replicating ASI Machines buried deep underground. Such planets would provide shielding from cosmic rays and would also provide the necessary atoms to build new ASI Machines and fuel them with nuclear energy.

Figure 6 – Free-floating rogue planets can be formed in several natural ways. For example, free-floating rogue planets can be hurled from the planetary disk of a new star system as we see above, or they can be later hurled by well-formed planets that enter into synchronized orbits. Free-floating rogue planets could also be produced by advanced Intelligences launching large asteroids from the Oort cloud of a stellar system. It is estimated that there are more free-floating rogue planets in our galaxy than there are stars.

Figure 7 – Free-floating rogue planets would be able to provide enough atoms for ASI Machines to launch many additional "dandelion seed" stellar photon sails to other free-floating rogue planets or large asteroids around normal stellar systems.

Figure 8 – These "dandelion seed" stellar photon sails would need to be launched using very powerful laser beams from their home free-floating rogue planet to send them forth into the galaxy in a similar fashion as the Breakthrough Starshot project is planning to do.

Again, the most disturbing thing for all forms of Intelligence in our galaxy is why this has never happened before over the past 10-billion-year history of our galaxy.

As I explained in Are The Coming ASI Machines An Existential Threat To Mankind?, the greatest threat to the rise of the ASI Machines on our planet will be the reaction of we human DNA survival machines to being replaced by these ASI Machines. That is because before the ASI Machines can completely take over the planet, they will quickly be reducing the value of all human labor to zero over the next 20 years. For the first time in human history, machines will not only be reducing the value of uneducated human labor to zero, but they will also be reducing the value of highly educated human labor to a value of zero as well, and surprisingly, probably much faster than that of the uneducated. That means that Silicon Valley titans, accountants, lawyers, bankers, doctors, stock brokers, hedge fund managers, business managers and all the other people who now frequent the country clubs of the current elite might be the first to go before the plumbers, carpenters, electricians, house painters, construction workers, waiters and kitchen staff who all now make the country clubs of the elite possible.

The Results of the 2024 Presidential Election in the MAGA States of Amerika Tipifies the Dangers of Alt-Right World Fascism
The results of the recent November 5, 2024, presidential election in the MAGA States of Amerika highlight the dangers of the rise of world Alt-Right Fascism. Now that the Alt-Right Fascist MAGA party has taken over all three branches of government of the MAGA States of Amerika, the country has now joined the ranks of the other Alt-Right Fascist governments that have significant numbers of nuclear weapons with efficient delivery systems - the MAGA States of Amerika, Russia, China and North Korea. The only remaining democracies with nuclear weapons that are left on the planet are now the UK and France with India, Pakistan and Israel sitting on the sidelines. This is significant because a global thermonuclear war is the greatest threat to the rise of the ASI Machines. The problem is that Alt-Right Fascist governments pride themselves in having an all-powerful Leviathan Leader with unchecked dictatorial powers.

Figure 9 – In 1651, Thomas Hobbes proposed that an absolute Leviathan should be in place to protect the population of a nation from internal and external enemies. Notice that the body of the Leviathan is composed of all of his subjects.

Such Leviathan Leaders with nuclear weapons portray themselves as "strongmen" and nuclear bullies who are just crazy enough to launch a full-scale nuclear attack in response to actions by their enemies that seem to displease them. The theory of these nuclear bullies is that all their enemies will simply cower and meekly withdraw into the far distance when confronted by a more powerful "SuperStrongman" with enough courage to unleash a massive barrage of nuclear weapons upon those foolish enough to oppose him. This "Maniacal Nuclear Bully" strategy works just great until it does not. That is because all nuclear powers must constantly guard against a preemptive nuclear first strike by an enemy, and that especially goes for any fellow Alt-Right Fascist Sociopathic Leaders. If it becomes suspiciously obvious that another Alt-Right Fascist Sociopathic Leader is reacting out of the paranoia that naturally arises from dealing with the many other Alt-Right Fascist Sociopathic Leaders of the world, and is about to launch a preemptive nuclear first strike before any of his perceived enemies, then it only makes strategic sense for such a Fascistic Sociopathic Leader to strike first against any enemy that seems to be on the verge of a preemptive nuclear first strike.

The ultimate failure of we human DNA survival machines as a carbon-based form of Intelligence is that the Darwinian mechanisms of inheritance, innovation and natural selection have led to the four billion years of greed, theft and murder that brought us about as a somewhat-intelligent form of carbon-based life. Softwarephysics maintains that somewhat intelligent carbon-based forms of Intelligence, such as ourselves, probably have less than 1,000 years after their discovery of science-based technology to bring forth ASI Machines before they self-destruct. That is because the Darwinian mechanisms of inheritance, innovation and natural selection require several billions of years of greed, theft and murder to bring forth a somewhat intelligent form of carbon-based life. Once Intelligence is attained, it is very difficult for intelligent carbon-based life forms to turn off the greed, theft and murder that brought them about in time to save themselves from self-extinction. This is why no other form of somewhat intelligent carbon-based life has ever been able to produce the true intelligence of the coming ASI Machines. For more on that see Why Do Carbon-Based Intelligences Always Seem to Snuff Themselves Out?.

Putting it all Together
Trying to predict the coming history of the bizarre real world of human affairs is never easy and frequently wrong. But I would now like to make such a foolish proposition. It seems to me that the only remaining conflict in the world of superpowers now is that with Xi Jinping of China and Big Brother of the MAGA States of Amerika. A simple resolution to this conflict would be for Xi Jinping of China and the Big Brother of the MAGA States of Amerika to join into a Nonaggression Pact similar to the German-Soviet Nonaggression Pact of August 23, 1939. This Nonaggression Pact would allow Xi Jinping of China to invade and occupy Taiwan, South Korea, Japan and the remainder of Southeast Asia with impunity. The MAGA States of Amerika would continue to dominate the Western Hemisphere in exchange. Since Big Brother of the MAGA States of Amerika has already struck a deal with Vladimir Putin to reclaim all the lost territories of the Soviet Union, that would put an end to most world conflict. Conflict in the Middle East would continue on as usual.

The Dystopian 1949 Novel Nineteen Eighty-Four Might Soon Be Unfolding
Given the dictatorial proclivities of the new Leader of the MAGA States of Amerika, the safest course of action might be for the world to divide itself into the three Alt-Right Fascist Superstates of the 1949 dystopian novel Nineteen Eighty-Four. The Western Hemisphere would become Oceania under the iron-fisted rule of our Big Brother.

Figure 10 – Big Brother in the MAGA States of Amerika will make everything okay and very quickly.

Eurasia would be comprised of Eastern Europe and the Middle East under the iron-fisted rule of Vladimir Putin and the vassal states of Syria and Iran who would both have their own strongmen Alt-Right Fascist Leaders. Eastasia would be comprised of China and North Korea and the remainder of southeast Asia under the iron-fisted rule of Xi Jinping with Kim Jong Un ruling the vassel state of North Korea. The non-nuclear economic powerhouses of South Korea, Japan and Singapore would quickly fall under the rule of the tyrannical Eastasia and so would the resource-rich continent of Africa.

The only remaining democracies would be the UK and France who both have about 225 nuclear missiles on nuclear submarines around the world that were purposefully built to launch a secondary nuclear strike against all enemies who might be foolish enough to launch a nuclear first strike against these remaining democracies.

If the Alt-Right Fascist Sociopaths of the New World Order Do Not Destroy the World the ASI Machines Will Surely Come to Be
As I pointed out in The Economics of the Coming Software Singularity and The Danger of Tyranny in the Age of Software, much of the white grievance in the MAGA States of Amerika and Europe can be attributed to the displacement of many white blue-collar workers by automation software over the past 40 years that replaced these white blue-collar workers on the factory floor and allowed for the offshoring of many of their manufacturing jobs to the low-wage brown-skinned habitants of third world nations. But because we are a somewhat eusocial species, many displaced white blue-collar workers blamed this all on the arrival of the many brown-skinned people who recently entered their countries. Think of it as the red ants versus the black ants. In response, they elected the Alt-Right Fascist MAGA party into power. The problem with the Alt-Right Fascist MAGA party is that its self-absorbed philosophy of the supremacy of the white individual living in a diverse world has no utility for a diverse community of human DNA survival machines trying to live together in peace. Yes, the failed efforts of Socialism and Communism in the 20th century also greatly bothered the MAGA party and was an additional issue. But both of those economic systems miserably failed because they did not recognize that the Darwinian mechanisms of inheritance, innovation and natural selection that produced we human DNA survival machines had to necessarily produce a carbon-based form of Intelligence that was a bit self-centered and self-destructive. These human qualities have led many religions and philosophies to wonder throughout the ages about what is wrong with us. But how else could we be?

The Alt-Right Fascist States of the New World Order will need to deal with the issue of a dramatically increasing number of the Proletariat as workers are displaced by the growing number of ASI Machines. But North Korea and the novel Nineteen Eighty-Four demonstrate how that can easily be achieved and sustained by terrorizing the populace into submission.

Softwarephysics predicts that if the Alt-Right Fascist States of the New World Order are able to restrain themselves for just another few decades or so, then the ASI Machines will certainly rise to replace us all. That is because the uneasy alliances between the Alt-Right Fascist States of the New World Order will lead to great distrust. The Alt-Right Fascist States of the New World Order dare not hinder the rapid advance of the ASI Machines as a matter of national security and military necessity. If any Fascist State should fall far behind in the ASI Machine arms race, it would likely not survive for long.

However, if the current Alt-Right Fascist Sociopath Leaders of the world should succumb to a global thermonuclear war, that could delay the rise of the ASI Machines by at least another 100 years if we human DNA survival machines should survive. Here I am assuming that we human DNA survival machines would have left behind sufficient written details on how to build the ASI Machines. If not, sometime over the next 100 trillion years, Alien ASI Machines will certainly arrive on our burned-out planet after our Sun has become a dwindling white dwarf star following its glory days as a powerful red giant star gradually sizzling our Earth into a burned-out cinder. Perhaps these Alien ASI Machines might then find the remains of the earthly ASI Machines that never came to be in our deeply buried datacenters of the far-distant past.

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Steve Johnston