Monday, March 27, 2023

The Second Singularity Keeps Rolling Along

As you probably know, some tech people would like to pause the Singularity for about 6 months:

Pause Giant AI Experiments: An Open Letter

But that does not seem to be happening. This second Singularity keeps exploding out in an exponential manner like the very first Singularity that happened about four billion years ago when the very first viable form of carbon-based life first appeared on the Earth. Again, it is Stuart Kauffman's discovery of the "AdjacentPossible" all over again where many spring-loaded preadaptations are exapted into new purposes. For the past 30 years, we have been accumulating huge amounts of content on the Internet for LLM (Large Language Models) to read and learn from. Back in the 1980s, we only had academic and governmental mainframes on the Internet and a very limited amount of Internet content. But then in the 1980s, we started putting very expensive $5,000 (in 1980s dollars!) PCs on the desktops of the workers in the corporate world. This preadaptive mass production of PC hardware and software then allowed for the cost of PC hardware and software to dramatically drop. By the 1990s, the average household could then afford the price of PC hardware and software for home use. With many millions of household PCs now in the hands of average people around the world, the Internet Explosion of 1995 then became possible with dial-up modems connected to America Online and other Internet providers. The corporations of the world then took notice of this new spring-loaded PC preadaptation as a whole new way of selling things to people. Online commerce over the Internet then soon began to flourish. Static Internet content was no longer sufficient. The corporations needed an interactive Internet that could maintain state during the transaction processes needed to display wares, put them into a shopping cart, securely enter credit card information to pay for the sale and then finally complete the entire transaction. All of the above was necessary to produce enough Internet content over the past 30 years to make the LLMs like GPT-3, ChatGPT and GPT-4 possible. There are now also many additional LLMs provided by other organizations beyond OpenAI too, all competing for the future of AI. All of the above then allowed for Stuart Kauffman's discovery of the "AdjacentPossible" to take place by the LLMs reading and learning from the vast amount of content on the Internet. For more on that see Enablement - the Definitive Characteristic of Living Things and A Brief History of Self-Replicating Information.

Below is a short explanation from IBM Research that differentiates the LLM or Foundational Models from the smaller highly-tuned Models that people have been working on for many years:

What are Generative AI models?

The Microsoft Jarvis project is now working with the Hugging Face website that hosts 171,000 of these legacy finely-tuned models to produce an experimental product called HuggingGPT. HuggingGPT uses the Foundational LLM ChatGPT to then call the 171,000 fine-tuned models to perform a great deal of work without any human intervention:

NEW HuggingGPT ?? - One Model to Rule Them All (Is this AGI?)

Here is the Microsoft Research paper that everybody is citing about HuggingGPT:

HuggingGPT: Solving AI Tasks with ChatGPT and its Friends in Hugging Face

Another recent breakthrough is AUTO-GPT. It uses GPT-4 to recursively call itself to complete a set of goals. In the middle of the video below, you can see it read some Python code, find some bugs, fix the bugs, prepare unit test cases for the code and then run the test cases:

AUTO-GPT: Autonomous GPT-4! Mini AGI is HERE!

OpenAI just bought a robot company and is planning to stick GPT-4 or GPT-5 into it this summer:


This second Singularity is running about a trillion times faster than the first Singularity four billion years ago that brought forth carbon-based life on our planet. This second Singularity is destined to do even more.

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Steve Johnston

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